HR Administrator/Recruitment

As Recruitment & HR Administrator you will report directly to the HR Manager.Your responsibilities will include:( 1) Recruitment:Responsible for ongoing recruitment campaigns to ensure we have the best teams in-storeAdvertising of all roles (Support Office and Retail)Short-listing of applicantsInterviewing and selecting candidatesManaging the issue (and return) of contracts, offer letters, starter material, etc across the group and liaising with store managers re. same(2) HRUpdating and maintaining HR Policies, ensuring that the company complies with current legislationAd hoc advice on general HR queries, HR policy, and legislative entitlement queriesProvide induction training to all staff and co-ordinate all ongoing training with relevant managers(3) AdministrationManaging and updating employee files, creating employee packs, etcAssist with our Time & Attendance System (Bizimply) maintenance and administrationCreation of letters, reports, minutes, etcThe Person:The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 1 years’ experience in a similar role within the Retail Industry and will be CIPD qualified & possess Third Level HR Qualification.They will be extremely organised with a positive work ethic. Previous interview and selection experience and an excellent knowledge of current employment legislation are essential.Desirable attributes include a good knowledge of wine and related products and previous training experience.Please note that this role will involve visits to our stores nationwide, so a Full Clean Driver’s License would be desirable.

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