HR Admin/Generalist

We have an exciting opportunity for an ambitious individual to join the Engineering Partner of choice Suir Engineering. Suir Engineering has offices in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, UK and Germany. We deliver leading edge next generation solutions to clients by designing, building, and installing Data Centres, Pharma and Medical Device plants and Renewable Energy Systems.We are currently recruiting for an HR Admin/Generalist on a full-time permanent basis to join our growing business. This role will be based in Slough, London, UK.Overall Role ObjectiveThe Human Resource Generalist is responsible for providing front line support in the various human resource functions, which include HR Operations, Compliance (employment law & regulations, HR processes, policies and procedures), Industrial/ Employee Relations, HR Communication, HR Data Metrics and Reporting, Training and HR projects.Key Responsibilities/DutiesHR OperationsIssue of Staff Support contracts of employment, ensuring legal and company compliance (UK).Review and sign off on remuneration package for Trades (sign off sheet for new hire forms)Wage Change Approval forms for Staff Support up to Manager -1 (Manager not included)Retirement follow-upMaintain employee records.Adequately deal with any employee requests, ensuring a positive experience and suitable outcome.ComplianceInterpret and advise on employment law (UK)Support HR Manager on reviewing and making more efficient HR processes, liaising with relevant stakeholders to roll out updates of HR processesDevelop company policies/procedures and work closely with various departments assisting line managers to understand and implement these policies/procedures.Review on an annual basis policies and proceduresMain point of contact for Disciplinary requests, Grievances, Performance/Conduct Improvement Plans, Probation periods. Support and advise line managers on these.Prepare and update staff handbooks. HR communicationWellbeing events HR Data Metrics and Reporting HR DashboardReport on HR KPI’sProduce accurate and timely weekly/monthly/quarterly staff reports for the business.  TrainingPlan and deliver in-house training where necessary, eg, induction training, supervision trainingEnsure the company training databases are kept up to date. HR ProjectsParticipate in Jobs Fairs/HR events as and when requiredParticipate in HR projects as and when required.Employees Survey Intranet – review of the tool In return from Suir:Competitive salary commensurate with experienceEmployer Pension contributionContribution to Private Healthcare22 days annual leaveEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike-to-Work SchemeEducational Assistance and CPDOpportunity to become part of great team and work on large scale projectsOur way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.At Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.

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