Housing Services Coordinator

JOB SUMMARY:                           To deal with all aspects of Housing Management and customer care for residents. To provide a responsive, quality and efficient service to residents.  KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:Housing ManagementTo manage a portfolio of properties under the direction of the Housing Services Manager. To deal promptly and effectively with Anti-Social Behaviour issues and breach of tenancies, including preparation of disputes to the Residential Tenancies Board. To allocate and let properties and to assess transfer requests. To deal with all the aspects of empty properties in order to quickly re-let them. To identify and process repairs including, ordering, monitoring and checking work and processing invoices. To liaise with tenants, residents and consultants regarding design and improvement proposals, including the programming of the work. To attend and minute site meetings, residents’ meetings, public meetings and other meetings.  To facilitate and deliver accompanied property viewings. To undertake pre-tenancy and post-tenancy training courses. To gather information for Insurance Claims and attend court on behalf of the Association if required. To liaise with Local Authorities and developers in relation to handovers and to complete pre and post-handover administrative tasks. To answer telephone calls and letters promptly, deal with enquiries and attend Advice Centres or day surges as required. To advise tenants with regard to their rent and service charges and possible welfare entitlements. To ensure income returns and proof of incomes are promptly submitted by tenants. To collect rent and service charges by way of standard procedure. To maximise rent collection and to control arrears. To instigate action for tenancy breaches.  To work with residents and community groups to encourage participation and involvement and community integration. To attend meetings including management company meetings, AGMs and EGMs and sit as a representative on management company board as required To regularly visit schemes or estates and to note and record any repairs or defects. To quickly and efficiently remedy any estate problems.  Health & SafetyTo conduct all activities in a manner, which is safe to yourself and others. To be aware and act in accordance with the Association’s Health and Safety Policy.  General To contribute to the effective delivery of Quality Customer Orientated Service through the formulation, review and proper implementation of policies and procedures. To adhere to requirements of Service Level Agreements in the delivery of a quality management service.    To participate on forums/working groups/committees as required. To maintain accurate and up to date files for each property in the management area. To produce a monthly report on all housing management issues and key performance statistics for the area. To undertake other occasional duties which are consistent with the responsibilities of the post including very occasional evening or weekend work. To ensure awareness and compliance of GDPR. To fulfil all responsibilities with an excellent standard of customer service.Essential RequirementsAt least 2 years’ experience in a housing management environment OR a relevant qualification in social housing management plus 1 years’ experience in a housing management environmentExperience of core housing management tasks (allocations, residents associations, rent collection, repairs, tenancy management)Experience of working with the public in a customer-oriented environment Knowledge of GDPR , RTB Legislation and Regulation requirements Computer literacy with experience that includes word processing, excel, spreadsheets, presentation packages, e-mail, electronic schedulers, and internet.Ability to work with accuracy and attention to detail Possess good verbal and written communication skills, have the ability to compose letters, memos and reports Ability to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and also be part of a teamThe ability to handle sensitive and confidential informationThe ability to deal with problems/enquires in a diplomatic and sensitive manner A high level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlines Possess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused serviceWillingness to work outside normal office hours on occasionsFull, clean driving licence and daily use of car. Where prevented from this due to a disability the candidate must be able to demonstrate how they will meet the mobility requirements of the post Eligibility to obtain a property services (PSRA) licence [Desirable] Experience of community work [Desirable] This job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review as deemed necessary and / or in the light of job-related developments.  

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