Housing Services Administrator

JOB SUMMARY:·      To deal with all aspects of administration within the Housing Services team ·      To provide support to other internal Departments and regional office. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:  Administration1.     Responsibility for answering telephone calls, logging and dealing with enquiries, including sharing in the cover of Main Reception / switchboard duties in absence of Reception staff.2.     Monitoring and responding to webchats.3.     Assisting with general administrative duties within the organisation as required, including typing, copying, faxing and filing, taking meeting minutes, processing invoices etc.4.     Provide Business Support cover for colleagues as necessary5.     Using a variety of software packages, such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, etc., to produce correspondence and documents and maintain presentations, records, spreadsheets and databases and charts.6.     Booking rooms and conference facilities.7.     Using content management systems to maintain and update websites and internal databases.8.     Attending meetings, taking minutes, and keeping notes.9.     Managing and maintaining budgets, as well as invoicing.10.  Liaising with staff in other departments and with external contacts.11.  Ordering and maintaining stationery and equipment.12.  Sorting and distributing incoming post and organising and sending outgoing post, including mail merges.13.  Liaising with colleagues and external contacts to book travel and accommodation.14.  Organising and storing paperwork, documents and computer-based information.15.  Photocopying and printing various documents, sometimes on behalf of other colleagues.16.  Arranging and booking taxis, couriers and lodgement handling. Health and SafetyTo conduct all activities in a manner which is safe to yourself and others.To be aware and act in accordance with the Association’s Health and Safety Policy.GeneralParticipating on forums/working groups/committees as required.Assisting with general administrative duties within the organisation as required.Contributing to the effective delivery of a Quality Service through the formulation, review and proper implementation of policies and procedures.Any other duties as required. Essential RequirementsExcellent skills in Microsoft OfficeComputer literacy with experience that includes word-processing, Excel, spreadsheets, presentation packages, e-mail, electronic schedulers, and internet.Ability to work with accuracy and attention to detail and within deadlines Possess good verbal and written communication skills, can compose letters, memos and reportsAbility to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and be part of a teamThe ability to handle sensitive and confidential informationFlexibility and Problem Solving A good level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlinesPossess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused serviceCommercial AwarenessExcellent Customer Service DesirableCertificate or Diploma and/or minimum of one years’ experienceExperience of non-profit organisation.Experience of communicating with contractors and following up on repairs and invoices.Experience of repairs management information systemsMediation SkillsKnowledge of new GDPR and RTB Legislation ActThis job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review as deemed necessary and / or in the light of job-related developments.  

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