Housekeeping Lead- Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

Housekeeping Lead | Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan, Balbriggan, Co. DublinMoorehall Lodge Balbriggan, is a purpose-built nursing home located in Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan is committed to enhancing the quality of life for all our residents. This is achieved by living our core company values in relation to communication, respecting residents’ rights, choice and individuality, promoting their independence and collaborating with our community partners. It is our mission to ensure that residents feel valued and loved within their homes. Our strong family ethos and team of talented, diverse and caring colleagues is central to the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment that creates a strong sense of home for our residents. Our core company values: Communication | Privacy, Respect & Dignity| Choice | Independence | Individuality | Rights | Community PartnershipWe are seeking passionate, engaging and ambitious people to join our team. Moorehall Lodge, Balbriggan now have vacancy for House Keeping Lead reporting to the Director of Nursing. The successful candidate will be a key team member tasked with developing and leading the House Keeping team in Moorehall Lodge, Balbriggan.   Objectives 1.     To ensure that the level of cleanliness of each room in MHLB is maintained to exceptionally high standards by reviewing, assessing and validating quality of each room daily. 2.     To ensure compliance with implementation of appropriately designed processes for the housekeeping department. 3.     To ensure compliance with implementation of appropriately designed processes for the laundry department. 4.     To ensure presentation of MHLB is always maintained to exceptionally high standards. 5.     To ensure optimal responsiveness in addressing objectives 1 to 4 in a manner that is at all times resident focused. 6.     To ensure weekly, monthly, quarterly special cleaning tasks are being followed and recorded. Examples: Bedroom deep cleans legionella taps/shower hose cleaning and curtains.  7.     To ensure positive engagement with our residents relating to accommodation needs and desires. To establish and maintain relationships with residents that are based on respect and equality and that promote their independence. To represent Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan in a professional and positive manner at all times and in all communications with residents, visitors and staff.Roles and Responsibilities:Governance and Management: a.     To assist the Director of Nursing in the development, maintenance and operation of effective systems of oversight for areas of responsibility with activities to include:                                                   i.    Audit                                                 ii.    KPIs                                                iii.    Risk management policy implementation.                                                iv.    Management Reportingb.     To ensure effective stock management across the housekeeping and laundry departments.c.     To manage and direct the housekeeping and laundry staff and ensure a high standard of cleanliness and presentation in MHLB Housekeepinga.     To ensure the workflow of housekeeping staff is appropriate to meet required standards in the most efficient and effective manner possible.b.     To ensure effective compliance to agreed processes. To monitor and measure such compliance.c.     To ensure every room is provided with a daily assurance of quality and more frequently as and where required.d.     To address issues in quality in the most timely and efficient manner possible.e.     To ensure infection control procedures are followed at all times. Laundrya.     To ensure the workflow of laundry staff is appropriate to meet required standards in the most efficient and effective manner possible.b.     To ensure effective compliance to agreed processes. To monitor and measure such compliance.c.     To provide daily assurance and oversight of the quality of personal laundry services provided to residents.d.     To provide daily assurance and oversight of the quality of accommodation and bedding laundry services provided to residents.e.     To address issues in quality in the most timely and efficient manner possible.f.      To ensure infection control procedures are followed at all times Presentationa.     To understand and contribute to development of guidelines and standards for all areas of the presentation of MHLB in line with the overall objectives of the organisation.b.     To ensure conformance to such guidelines.c.     To ensure attention to detail in de-medicalising MHLB without deviating from best practice.d.     To liaise closely with the Facilities Manager for any corrective and/or decorative matters.   HRa.     To lead in the induction training of new staff to housekeeping and laundry highlighting the importance of Infection Control protocols.b.     To plan the duty roster for the household and laundry staff ensuring adequate cover to the facility at all times.c.     Provide cover for any absence if necessary.d.     To ensure the team perform to a high level individually and collectively and do so in a consistently resident centred manner.Other Duties and Responsibilitiesa.     To reflect and enhance MHLB’s Mission Statement and objectives in all activitiesb.     Ensure all new admissions/room changes are processed on time and meet our high standardsc.     To adhere to all Human Resource Management procedures with regard to performance managementd.     Property Meetings: Recommendations, Action Planning to meet KPI’se.     To hold Departmental meetings and issues/challenges arising from them are actioned. Post-meeting minutes generatedf.      To carry out specific projects, research as outlined by the General Services Manager. g.     Maintain efficient and controlled chemical, equipment & stock systemsh.     Track and trace accommodation control points/KPI’s via our software programmei.      To develop and implement Annual/Quarterly and Monthly activity plans appropriate to the business needs in all areas of responsibility.Essential:·       Leaving Certificate or equivalent·       Computer literate Desirable:·       Facilities or Hospitality related qualification(s)Experience  Essential:·       Experience in an Accommodation/Housekeeping  Management role within Healthcare or Hotel setting  Desirable:·       Experience in all of the key areas outlined within the role and responsibilities of the job description.Professional Knowledge  Essential:Core Health and Safety LegislationInfection control National Standards  Desirable:Best practice in hospitality accommodation services Core AptitudesDemonstrate strong leadership skillsIntegrity beyond reproachAct as a good role modelAbility to communicate effectively with co-workers, management and all other stakeholdersAbility to create good interpersonal relations with all co-workers, residents, families, visitorsFlexibility and willingness to work different shifts as required by the needs of the serviceAbility to train and mentor staffAbility to manage changeInformation collection and analysisQuality and service improvementWhat we offer?Excellent rates of payEmployee Assistance ProgrammeCareer Progression opportunitiesFree ongoing training and developmentWhy work for us?Teamwork and excellent provision of care are our trademarks. We offer flexible work practices, a friendly and homely working atmosphere, promotional, learning and developmental opportunities. We pride ourselves with exceptional resident care which stands at the forefront of our core values.Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan is an equal opportunities employer. 

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