Housekeeping Assistant

The Diamond Coast is looking for Housekeeping Assistant to join the Team.About The Diamond CoastLocated in Enniscrone, The Diamond Coast Hotel commands a prime location overlooking the breathtaking Enniscrone championship golf course, dune lands and stunning five kilometres of golden beaches, perfect for water sports, swimming and long walks. The luxury accommodation at the Diamond Coast Hotel comprises of 99 well appointed, spacious and tastefully decorated guest rooms. Many guest rooms enjoy views over Enniscrone Golf Course and the stunning dunes.The Coral Restaurant at the Diamond Coast Hotel offers a warm welcome, excellent cuisine, great wines, relaxing surroundings and friendly hotel staff to attend to your every need. Additional facilities include a crystal adorned banqueting suite perfect for your wedding day, seating up to 400 guests, meeting rooms and Stir Bistro.Housekeeping Assistant is responsible for the cleaning, service and maintaining of guest bedrooms and public areas of the hotel to an approved standard, helping to create a pleasant and memorable stay for all guests.TASKS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESTo arrive on duty and identify areas as stipulated by Housekeeping Management to be serviced or cleaned.To follow established company standards as per the standard operating procedures.To clean and maintain all public areas.To operate these vehicles safely and according to instructions.To clean and care for departmental equipment and storage areas.To clean corridors including glass (fire doors) doors.To conduct deep clean service as per standard operating procedures and frequency.To report any maintenance defects or otherwise which would affect the quality of the guest experience and/or, safety of the building.To provide in-room amenities such as water, gifts, fruit etc, as per standards and protocols.To ensure that all guests privacy and comfort requests are responded to immediately.To ensure the removal and safe and appropriate disposal of wet waste, glass and recyclables.To attend weekly meetings or briefings as required by Accommodation Management.Anticipate guests’ needs, respond promptly and acknowledge all guests.To communicate effectively with all other team members.To adhere to all systems and procedures in place.Due to the cyclical nature of the hospitality industry, employees will be required to work varying schedules to reflect the business needs of the hotel which can include day, evening and/or weekend shifts.To participate in training programmes as required.HEALTH & SAFETY To rigidly follow and observe all hygiene standards, rules on smoking and comply with hotel policy regarding uniform.To ensure that reasonable care is taken for health and safety of yourself, other employees, guests and any other person on the premises.To keep your work area tidy and safe and report any hazard, accident, loss or damage to management.To be aware of trained first-aid personnel on the premises and the location of first aid box/fire extinguishers and alarms.To observe all safety rules and procedures, including those laid down in the Health & Safety Statement. OTHER DUTIES The above is not intended to be an exhaustive list and you will be expected to comply with any reasonable requests or duties as directed by management.

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