Housekeeping Assistant - Craddock

Housekeeping Assistant | Craddock Nursing Home We are currently recruiting for Housekeeping Assistants CRADDOCK HOUSE NURSING HOME Craddockstown Rd, Craddockstown North, Naas, Co. Kildare - W91 D432 Virtue Integrated Elder Care operates a number of premium Nursing Homes across Ireland. Our commitment is to enhance the quality of life for all our residents. Together, we achieve this by living our core company values in relation to communication, respecting residents’ rights, choice and individuality, promoting their independence and collaborating with our many community partners. It is our mission to ensure that residents feel valued and loved within their homes. Our strong family ethos and team of talented, diverse and caring colleagues is central to the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment that creates a strong sense of home for our residents. Our core company values: Communication | Privacy, Respect & Dignity| Choice | Independence | Individuality | Rights | Community Partnership Full-time Contract | 37.5 Hours per week  What we offer?·       Excellent rates of pay.·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Referral Programme·       Career Progression opportunities·       Free ongoing training and development to include access to QQI level course modules relative to Healthcare Assistant positions. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):·       Engage in friendly conversation with Residents while cleaning their room·       Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing.·       Ensure all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards.·       Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies.·       Notify superiors on any damages, deficits and disturbances.·       Deal with reasonable complaints/requests with professionalism and patience.·       Check stocking levels of all consumables and replace when appropriate.·       Adhere strictly to rules regarding health and safety and be aware of any company-related practices.  Virtue Integrated Elder Care is an equal opportunities employer.

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