Housekeeping and Laundry Assistant

We are recruiting a Relief Housekeeping & Laundry Assistant to join our care team in Curam Care Homes Carrigaline Working as part of a team, the post holder will be responsible for ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness and best practice in compliance with our health and safety, and company policies. RequirementsRelevant experience is desirable but not essential as training will be provided. Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.Strong communication and interpersonal skills to communicate clearly with colleagues and residents.Capacity to uphold the highest level of cleanliness when dealing with residents.Good level of verbal and written English. Key Responsibilities Monitor stock levels of all equipment and supplies. Keep checklists updated and works closely with the Housekeeping & Laundry Manager /Director of Nursing to ensure the smooth day to day operations of the Housekeeping and Laundry department.Ensure resident’s rooms are clean and tidy to a highest standard.Ensure that all work is carried out while ensuring resident safety.Ensure infection control guidelines are adhered to at all times.Work cooperatively and communicate with members of the multidisciplinary team.Ensures that all incidents are reported to the Housekeeping & Laundry Manager/Director of Nursing.Be professional, friendly and approachable in all interactions with residents, visitors and staff.Liaise with Housekeeping & Laundry Manager/ DON/ADON/CNM regarding new admissions and ensure residents clothes are labelled.Contribute to ongoing monitoring, audit and evaluation of the service as appropriate.Participate in staff, resident and departmental meetings as scheduled by Director of Nursing.Collect washing from and remove to laundry department on a regular basis in compliance with infection control policies.Separate whites, colours, woolens, towels etc. and launder at the appropriate temperature.Ensure resident’s clothing is washed at the labeled temperature, ironed and folded.All bedding must be ironed, towels and face cloths folded and put neatly into the allocated space.Ensure residents clothing is correctly identified and labeled to guard against loss.Deliver residents clothing to the appropriate resident ensuring they neatly put away.Ensure wardrobes and chests of drawers are kept tidyEnsure the laundry room is clean and tidy. On a daily basis: wash down washers, dryers and laundry bags; clean lint trays / vents; mop floors.What to Expect At Curam Care Homes we are committed to career development and promotion – people are at the heart of everything we do. If you are looking for a career and not just a job, you’re in the right place. We are committed to providing and maintaining the highest standard of services by offering career progression opportunities for all employees through our ongoing education and training programmes.Benefits A positive working environmentFlexible working hours for life work balance (different shifts)Paid breaksPremiums paid on Sundays and Public Holidays (Basic Pay plus 15%)Complementary meals provided on long day shiftsReferral bonusDiscounted uniforms (Buy one get one free)Cycle to work scheme with a repayment planFree Car ParkingPension Scheme (up to 4% matching)Death in Service benefitPharmacy Discount The above lists of responsibilities and benefits are not exhaustive. For all informal inquires please email

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