Housekeeper (No. 131 The Promenade)

We have an opportunity for an experienced individual to join our Housekeeping team at No.131 The Promenade, Cheltenham.Our ideal candidate will pride themselves on providing outstanding service standards and high levels of cleanliness. With a passion for housekeeping, excellent attention to detail and the ability to multi-task, you will be dedicated, organised and efficient.This is a responsible role for a proactive and reliable individual who is committed to providing a professional, friendly housekeeping service for our guests. Previous experience working as a housekeeper is required.In return:50% team discountMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward schemeOpportunity of progressionIf you are interested in this opportunity and would enjoy working with a dedicated and professional team who are passionate about great food and drink we would be delighted to hear from you. Please send us your current CV detailing your skills and experience.

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