Housekeeper- Bank/Zero Hour Contract

Housekeeper- Bank/Zero Hour ContractDo you have a good eye for detail?Are you fussy about cleaning standards?Do you want to work in a fun and vibrant team? If yes, apply now!As part of Pilgrims’ Friend Society, we aim to create a supportive environment which respects and celebrates Christian beliefs. From housekeeping to other roles, our dedication to holistic care shines through, ensuring dedicated support at every level. Our campaign ‘Touching Lives’ recognises that each individual is unique, and we are there to strive to create a nurturing environment where the people who live with us (family members) feel cared for. We aim to enhance the quality of our family members lives and create a happy environment. Maintaining a clean and tidy environment is essential to the wellbeing of our family members. For more information please watch here of how we care: House offers residential care, dementia care and respite care along with retirement support in a superb, purpose-built environment on the fringes of Frinton-on-Sea. View our wonderful home here.Responsibilities:Clean client rooms and common areas;Help to keep the home hygienic, fresh and tidy;Liaise with the Manager on cleaning schedules and cleaning material stock control;Receive/collect items for laundering including, clothing, bedding, soft furnishings and household linens;Fold items correctly, distribute residents’ clothing and store linen and household items safely;Maintain the Laundry and linen stores in a safe, clean, tidy condition;Wash up the catering equipment and utensils;Maintain the general cleanliness of the kitchen and catering equipment;Ensure all water and other spillages are cleaned up immediately after they occur;Maintain records as required by your manager;Attend meetings and training activities including fire and evacuation procedures etc. as required;In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed, you are required to perform other duties assigned by your manager from time to time that are within your capabilities.For more details, please take a look at the Job Description About you:You need to be someone who enjoys working with older people and can have an empathy with them;You must be able to prepare food to a good standard;You should have a basic food hygiene certificate and a food-related qualification (this would be an advantage but is not essential);You need to be able to work as part of a team in order to provide an excellent service to our residents;You must be a well-organised, practical and adaptable person.For more details, please take a look at the Person Specification. Hours:Bank shifts to cover for sickness, absence and holidays.Must be flexible to cover the shift times required i.e. 9am – 1pm and/or 4pm – 7pm. This may also be at weekends.Benefits:Bank Holiday rates: £12.01 p/hTraining & developmentCareer development: Whether you are starting your career or looking to expand your skills.Paid DBS checksBeing part of our friendly and committed staff teamOngoing support from managementGuaranteed hoursFlexible working: various working hoursEmployee assistance programmeWork clothing providedTeam eventsPerkbox rewardsPension schemeCare Friends referral Long-standing service rewardsBirthday rewards — What our staff say about us: …“It is a friendly and welcoming place to work” … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds.Please note: this vacancy may close sooner if sufficient applications have been received so please apply as soon as possible if interested.

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