Hotel Sales Executive

Are you ready to take the next step in your hospitality career? The Shearwater Hotel & Spa is seeking a dynamic and motivated Hotel Sales Executive to join our well-established team. What’s in it for you?Free Onsite ParkingSubsidised LunchesDiscounted Rates at Comer Group Ireland managed Hotels, Spa & Leisure Facilities, and RestaurantsJob Summary:As the Hotel Sales Executive, you will: Analyse hotel sales, sales history and sales activity and in consultation with Hotel GM and Group Sales and Marketing Manager to develop and implement a sales action plan to achieve sales budgetsOptimise the company database in identifying and targeting conference business.To develop priced offers and packages for sale to customers in all user groups and through all distribution channels. In consultation with the hotel GM and the Hotel Revenue Manager to devise and implement the pricing strategy necessary to achieve overall revenue targets.Develop relationships with key contacts and carry out client visitsDevelop & promote the hotel in the local community Participate in local & national collective initiatives aimed at drawing business to the region.Cold calling will be required to generate salesLiaise with Group Sales & Marketing Manager & other hotel sales managers on a regular basis to ensure maximum group corporate presence for hotels.Represent the hotel at sales team meetings and other events as appropriate. To also attend training courses/seminars as required.Maintain strict confidentiality in line with the company General Data Protection Regulation Policy and Confidentiality Agreement.Required Education, Skills, and Qualifications:A relevant qualification in Sales and Marketing is desirable but not essential.A keen interest in Hospitality & Tourism Industry. Must possess a strong sense of concept development, in addition to communication, collaboration, research, and problem-solving skills.Ability to work intensely and independently to tight deadline dates always.Strong commercial acumen and knowledge of current & local affairs.A record of persistence, resourcefulness, organization and success.A pleasant, cheerful, positive and ambitious disposition eager to get the best of oneself and one’s work.Minimum 2 years’ experience in a similar role within a hotel of the same or similar size.

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