Hotel Receptionist

The Rose Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in Tralee, Co Kerry. We have 161 bedrooms, 2 restaurants, 2 bars, 4 meeting rooms, function room, gym and spa.The Rose Hotel Tralee, has an excellent opportunity for a customer focused, friendly and energetic person to join our Front Office Team as a Hotel Receptionist.This is a full time role, with the successful candidate required to work shifts including early, late, mid shifts, weekends and public holidays.Main duties of the role to include:Checking in and out guests in a friendly and timely manner.To anticipate guests needs and ensure that service is provided to the level they require and beyond their expectations.To attend training as requiredTo assist reservations departmentTo respond to any telephone or email reservation enquiriesTo follow procedures in relation to opening/closing dutiesTo have a good knowledge of the local area and attractions, so that you can answer any guest queries.To be a team player, therefore to be flexible in your role and assist other departments if necessaryTo carry out any other duties which you may be asked of my managementQualifications for the role include:Must have at least 1 years hotel reception experience in a medium/large hotelTo have a working knowledge of Guestline is a distinct advantage or must have working knowledge of similar front office systemBe proficient in Microsoft officeHave experience in cash handlingBe very focused on upselling and cross selling within the hotelMust be able to take initiativeMust have a keen eye for detailTo be able to work in a fast paced, busy office environmentTo possess excellent telephone and email communication skillsTo have excellent written and spoken EnglishTo enjoy working as part of a teamTo be passionate about customer careMust be able to work shift work including weekends and public holidaysBenefits of working in The Rose Hotel:Full time employment as the hotel is open all year roundProvided with uniformProvided with training in the roleFree carparkingFree tea/coffeeAccess to the hotel gymBike to Work SchemeEmployee Assistance Program available for staffTraining provided on the jobNote: We are unable to apply for a work permit for this role at the present time.

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