Hotel Night porter 17 hours per week

JOB DESCRIPTIONJob Title: Hotel Night Porter Location: Missenden AbbeySalary: 12.03 per hourLocation: Great MissendenBuckinghamshire HP16Hours: 17 hours per weekShift 10:30pm – 7.00am week days and weekends  Responsible to: Hotel Night Manager Job Purpose: The role of the Hotel Night Porter is to provide efficient, prompt, trouble free and courteous service to guests in absence of Departmental Managers and Staff during the night. The Night Porter will be responsible for the security of the hotel and its guests overnight and to set meetings and functions as per your managers instructions.Main Duties & Responsibilities of the role: Duties include –• security of building & guests• Clearing and setting up for next days events • Delivery of room service outside of bar / Kitchen hours• Cleaning all public areas.• Taking telephone calls• Must be customer service focused We are looking for someone who is able to work from 11pm until 8am approx. Your duties will include keeping the outside and public areas of the hotel clean and tidy as well as preparing for the following day’s events. This will include setting tables, tidying and general maintenance as well as any guests needs throughout the night.• Ensure that the service offered by all team members is personal and memorable. That guest needs are anticipated and requests followed up. Build relationships with guests, ensuring that they want to return to Missenden Abbey.• Ensure good communication with all departments throughout the hotel.• Handle, follow up and communicate any comments or complaints. Pass on to relevant Managers if unable to handle.• Be familiar with and promote hotel facilities and attractions within the estate. Assist guests with any requests e.g. information, making bookings, directions.• Ensure that all tasks are completed on each shift that a full and thorough handover takes place at the end of the shift.• Ensure you have a well-founded understanding of all Hotel regulations.• Tour all areas of the hotel on a regular basis using the cogard system and report irregularities to relevant department heads, and the estates team.• Ensure all access to the hotel is secure as required by hotel policy and procedure.• Perform any related security duties as required overnight.• Complete all incident reports and distribute to relevant departments.• Record any unusual occurrences or problems arising to the Duty Manager and take appropriate action.• As a team, ensure that guest areas and offices are clean and tidy at all times. • Ensure that wake up calls are made promptly.• Order and deliver newspapers.• Be fully aware of all daily and weekly events in the hotel.• Serve guests at the resident night bar ensuring accuracy by checking keys and having guest to sign bill.• Report any faulty equipment to the relevant persons.• Be familiar with current licensing regulations.• Report for duty punctually in the correct uniform, paying attention to personal hygiene and tidiness.• Help to maintain a good working environment within the department and good working relationships with all other departments in the Hotel.• Give assistance to other departments as and when necessary.• Carry out any other reasonable requests made by the Deputy General Manager or Duty managers. • Accept reasonable changes or additions in work hours, which are necessary for the maintenance of uninterrupted service to hotel guest and patrons.• Attend meetings and training sessions as and when required. Customer Focus:·        To implement the consistent delivery of high-level customer service.·        To help ensure that the department creates a professional impression to customers and team members.·        To ensure routine maintenance is carried out in your areas of responsibility, reporting any damage and wear and tear, ensuring bedroom faults are rectified promptly.·        To maintain good liaison and communication between Reception and all operational teams to ensure a seamlessly smooth and efficient delivery of client requirements·        Ability to constantly prioritise, while delivering best service to all customers at all times·        Provide hands on IT/ Technical support to all clients during their stay.·        Ensure all customers and accounts feel special. Take time to spend time with all customers so that their needs are filled, and they walk away happy.·        Carry out set procedure in the event of an emergency, i.e: fire or accident which may require the attendance of the emergency services and first aid.·        Carry out general support service type duties for clients and staff as necessary, including moving furniture, deliveries and luggage. Prerequisites·        Must be able to communicate in English writing and speaking and other languages are advantages. Good personality and charming is important to be the hotel night porter in the way to represent themselves on behalf of hotel management.Health and Safety • Report all potential and real hazards immediately.• Be fully conversant with all departmental Fire, and emergency procedures. • Attend all fire, health and safety training• Ensure the safety of the persons and the property of all within the premises by fairly applying Hotel Regulations, by strict adherence to existing laws and reporting any possible hazards and conditions to the Manager.• Have a general awareness of Health and Safety in relation to all tasks and activities undertaken in the department. • Re-use and recycle where possibleExperience  ·        Previous Hotel / Events experience would be desirable or a similar position.  Other:• Excellent customer care and communication skills• Excellent organisational skills with an eye for detail• Well-motivated, conscientious and able to work on own initiative• Ability to undertake routine security and maintenance checks• Be able to work night shift from 11.00pm – 7.30am • Hands on approach to all areas within the hotel• Due to the nature of the Hotel industry, you must be flexible and available to work additional shifts when full time staff are on leave.

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