Hotel Manager

Talbot Hotel Wexford, part of the Talbot Collection are currently recruiting for an experienced Hotel Manager to join our busy team. Main Duties to includeTo oversee all operational Departments in the execution of their duties in order to maximise operational efficiency.To assume full responsibility for all operational management, financial performance and sales & marketing activity.To be fully accountable for operational payroll, maintaining close control and ensuring that any excess to budget/forecast is accounted for.To ensure that quality standards are maintained and profits and expenses are pursued according to the policies and procedures of the Talbot Collection.To have full control of all operational budgets and forecasts and to ensure that they are accurately prepared and produced on time to the Area General Manager.To plan and operate within the annual budget guidelines by regularly monitoring and controlling costs, ensuring that a positive relationship exists between performance and budget, so as to maximise revenue and ensure profitability is achieved for the hotel.To be fully aware and briefed on market trends and competitive set, monitoring and evaluating, as necessary.To cooperate fully with any departmental manager who requires assistance, in a prompt, caring and helpful manner.To ensure that each Head of Department is fully informed of all relevant information pertaining to their role. This includes handovers, memos, emails and arranging and preparing staff meetings.To positively promote sales initiatives within and maximise sales opportunities for the hotel and the Collection.To ensure that each member of staff is trained to competently complete their duties and to fulfil departmental standards and guests expectations.To create an environment which promotes good employee morale, employee engagement and encourages the team to have pride in their work.To ensure that all standards and legal requirements in respect of fire, health, safety and contingency procedures are complied with at all times. Ensuring appropriate training is carried out and that staff attend in order to conform to legal requirements.  The successful candidate will have:At least 2 years' experience in a similar position. This is essential.Ability to work well in a busy operational environment.Have extensive knowledge on the implementation of standard operating procedures.  Some of the benefits of joining the team at the Talbot Hotel Wexford:-         Free parking-         Staff Meals-         Complimentary Leisure Club Membership-         Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement)-         Company Life Insurance Scheme-         Employee Assistance Programme-         Talbot Collection Friends and Family Rates-         Training and Development Opportunities - we invest in our people-         Being part of a progressive & growing company-         15% discount in Pettitts SuperValu  **Talbot Hotel Wexford, part of the Talbot Collection is an equal opportunities employer**

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