Hotel Duty Manager

The Rose Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in Tralee, Co Kerry. We are a large hotel who has seen it's business grow from strength to strength since being rebranded as The Rose Hotel in 2016.We are now recruiting for a Hotel Duty Manager to join our Management team. We are looking for the right candidate to work with the management team and be responsible for the efficient operation of all departments within the hotel.Main duties:1.     To carry out Duty Management shifts by overseeing the operations of the hotel and ensuring that quality and standards are being met consistently. 2.     To work as part of the management team and to assist colleagues where necessary. 3.     To ensure the smooth running of bar food service/restaurant service when you are on duty, this will include morning, lunch, afternoon and evening. 4.     To promote a professional and hospitable image to the guest and give full co-operation to any guest requiring assistance with a prompt, caring and helpful attitude. 5.     To give full co-operation to any colleague requiring assistance in a prompt and helpful manner and to be flexible in assisting around the Hotel in response to business and guest needs. 6.     To anticipate guest needs, and proactively manage their expectations. 7.     To ensure prompt resolution of customers issues 8.     To work closely with the Sales & Events Co-ordinator who books the meeting rooms, to ensure that the rooms are set up to the specified requirement. 9.     To maintain regular and efficient communication relating to your shift and to attend all hotel meetings as required. 10. To assist with the personnel and training function in the hotel 11. To assist in the training and induction of new staff in the bar/restaurant/banqueting departments in conjunction with the Heads of Department. 12. To ensure the security of the hotel, stocks and keys at all times whilst on duty. 13. To take on supervisory responsibilities in specific departments as required. 14. To assist the Operations Manager in complying with legal obligations in relation to Health & Safety, Fire Safety and to ensure that risk assessments are carried out and reviewed regularly. 15. To identify and report maintenance requirements/hazards in the workplace. 16. To assume responsibility whilst on duty for any emergency situations in line with set down procedures. 17. To undertake any other projects/tasks as set by the General Manager/Operations Manager and attend any training as required. Ideal candidate:Should have previous hotel management experience in a medium/large sized hotelShould have excellent interpersonal skillsMust have a passion to work in the industryMust have worked in food & beverage departments and understand service and standards requiredPrevious experience working with weddings or large events an advantageTo upsell the amenities within the hotelTo be a team player but also have leadership abilityWorking hours will require working shifts - early/lates including weekends and public holidaysBenefits of working in The Rose HotelAll year round employmentTraining and development given both on the job and externallyProvided with uniformProvided with meal on dutyAccess to the hotel gymFree carparkingBike to Work SchemeUnfortunately we are unable to obtain a work permit for this role.

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