Hotel Accountant

GSW Solutions is delighted to support Sligo's newest 4 Star Hotel - The Address Sligo in the search for an Accountant . The broad purpose of your role will be to facilitate, support and guide the financial processes, recording and analysis of the business while supporting our teams in delivering the exceptional guest journey upon which The Address Sligo. You will be responsible for the Financial Reporting of the property as well as Analysis and Control. As a member of the management team, you will be a crucial contributor to the Annual Budget Process and Audit Preparation. The successful candidate will have experience in a hotel accountant position, be part-qualified or qualified by experience – proficient in all aspects of hotel accounting and looking for a new challenge. As a member of The Address Sligo management team, you will be part of a growing Hotel Group that will provide continuous opportunities for learning, development and career progression within the organisation. The Address CollectiveThe Address Collective brings together five family-owned, four-star deluxe Hotels with exceptional locations across Dublin, Cork, Sligo and Glasgow. Over the past three years, each property has undergone significant investment to create a new standard in Irish hospitality, defined by the brand as ‘The Address Collective Standard’. This represents a unique and personal guest journey in a truly eclectic and luxurious environment. The formula of ‘The Address Collective’ is simple: it is about luxury, contemporary Irish design and attention to detail at every touch point. We have a strong focus on developing high-performing teams and delivering an exceptional employee experience. Principal Responsibilities· Responsible for the day-to-day management of the Finance role.· Have responsibility for accurate accounting records & provide financial reports for the hotel.· Ensure a rigorous financial control & reporting environment exists within the hotel.· Work in conjunction with the General Manager & Group Financial Controller· Monthly review of the balance sheet, ensuring reconciliations are performed of all hotel-controlled accounts & that all balances are explained.· Assist in Audit Preparation and Reviews.· Assist in Budget Preparation and Reviews.· Ensure all statutory/Revenue returns are processed and up to date.· Continual review & development of best practice financial accounting & control procedures to maximise efficiency· Overseeing weekly and monthly payroll.· Assist with the AR/AP function where necessary.· Oversee & review the income audit function daily/weekly.· Any other ad-hoc duties.

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