Host (No.131 The Promenade)

131 Host RoleWe are looking for a talented and approachable Host to join our highly regarded front of house team at our award winning establishment in Cheltenham. Our ideal candidate will have outstanding communication skills and a passion for providing exceptional service and a warm welcome to our guests. With the ability to multi-task, you will be dedicated, organised and efficient with a positive outlook and a sense of fun and professionalism.This is a varied role which focuses on creating an exceptional guest journey; being the first contact with the guests as they begin their stay at 131, whether it is as a diner in one of our amazing restaurants, a business meeting in one of our private rooms or as a resident in the hotel. The role will also involve taking guest reservations, liaising with and assisting other departments where needed and dealing with guest queries.Previous experience working in a customer service role or similar hospitality role will be a massive plus, as would a desire to progress your career in the industry. Flexibility to work daytimes, evening shifts and weekends is essential.To apply for this opportunity and become the face of 131, please send your CV and a cover letter, explaining why you would be suitable for this role.

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