
Homemaker | Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan, Bath Road, Co. DublinMoorehall Lodge Balbriggan, is a purpose-built nursing home located on Bath Road, Balbriggan co. Dublin. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life for all our residents. This is achieved by living our core company values in relation to communication, respecting residents’ rights, choice and individuality, promoting their independence and collaborating with our many community partners. It is our mission to ensure that residents feel valued and loved within their homes. Our strong family ethos and team of talented, diverse and caring colleagues is central to the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment that creates a strong sense of home for our residents.Our core company values: Communication | Privacy, Respect & Dignity| Choice | Independence | Individuality | Rights | Community PartnershipMoorehall Lodge Balbriggan, (part of the Virtue Integrated Care Group), provides a positive living experience for people in a place they can flourish and call home. We are delighted to invite suitable candidates to apply for a full-time Homemaker/ Relief Kitchen AssistantEach House in Moorehall Lodge is unique, and the duties of each Homemaker vary according to the individual needs of the residents in the House. However there are core elements common to all Homemakers. The essence of the Homemaker as the ‘Mammy of the House’ is to create a sense of home in the living and kitchenette areas. This is achieved by ensuring the living area and kitchenette has the look, feel, and aroma of a resident’s home on a daily basis. The Homemaker is responsible for a range of areas not all happening on any one day. For example the Homemaker assists with meal preparation and housekeeping. S/he works with the house team and residents to create meaningful events and activities for the residents which are both planed and spontaneous. The Homemaker plays a key role in supervising and supporting the residents when they are in the dining/living area, positive engagement with residents and welcoming their families to their home. Roles & Responsibilities: Greeting and welcoming all visitors to the House.Creating meaningful events and activities for the residents which are both planned and unplanned. Welcoming Assisting with the planning of meals and mealtimes and organizing and serving the meals to the residents in the House in a person centred way, showing flexibility, awareness of individual needs/preferences and choice.Ensuring that cleaning tasks include washing the dishes, sweeping and washing the kitchen floors and the dining area after the residents have finished their meals. Ensuring that the fridge is kept clean, free from spillages and is defrosted every week and that any food stuffs out of date are disposed of.Ensuring that all areas within the kitchenette and kitchenette storage areas is kept clean and tidy and well maintained. Qualities: To remove preconceived ideas that limit participation in daily living.Strong Interpersonal SkillsAble to make others smile. Has ability to work from the heart and make the most of the time they have to provide positive social interactions.Essential Criteria's:Minimum partial QQI Level 5 Award – Healthcare or equivalentFood Hygiene and HACCP Awareness training. What we offer:Excellent pay ratesContinuous Training and DevelopmentCareer Advancement OpportunitiesEmployee Assistance ProgrammeReferral ProgrammeFree ongoing training and developmentFree on site parkingBike to work schemeWhy work for us?Teamwork and excellent provision of care are our trademarks. We offer flexible work practices, a friendly and homely working atmosphere, promotional, learning and developmental opportunities. We pride ourselves with exceptional resident care which stands at the forefront of our core values.Moorehall Lodge Balbriggan is an equal opportunities employer.

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