Job Description Job Title: Regional Outreach Coordinator Reporting to: Day Centre Manager Date of Issue: January 2025 The RoleThe Regional Outreach Coordinator, has overall responsibility for the leadership and operation of COPE Galway’s Pilot Regional Outreach service for people who are rough sleeping in Counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon, aligning it to the Organisation’s existing City Outreach Service and ensuring the smooth operation of both. The Coordinator carries a client caseload and oversees the work of a Regional Outreach Project Worker as well as members of the Day Centre Team in relation to Street Outreach and a team of volunteers. They place a particular focus on the health needs of the client group and ensures that the team works in a culturally sensitive manner with marginalised communities, including Roma people. They focus on ensuring the provision of a high quality service in line with NQSF (National Quality Standards Framework for Homeless Services) and leading and supporting their team to work to their fullest potential. They have a role in mentoring and supporting their colleagues with an aim of collaboratively embedding the values of COPE Galway and a trauma informed approach within the service. The ServiceCOPE Galway has operated a Street Outreach Service in Galway City since 2017, housed within our suite of Day Centre services for people who are experiencing homelessness. The aim of the Galway City Street Outreach has been to establish contact with people who are rough sleeping in the city, develop connections and assist and signpost people to where they can access services and supports through homeless services. Since 2019 the Nurse and GP from the Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) for homeless have accompanied COPE Galway one morning per week with a focus on specifically addressing the health needs of those who are rough sleeping. The frequency of Street Outreach is currently eight times per week, four mornings from 6.30am and 4 evenings after 7.30pm. Much of the focus is on the Galway City Centre area and there is a more targeted approach towards other specific city locations where there are identified to be people sleeping rough. During severe weather events, including when the Severe Weather Response operated by COPE Galway is activated, there is a targeted approach taken to engaging with and transporting people rough sleeping to safe shelter. We are now extending the work of our Outreach Service for rough sleepers to Counties Galway, Roscommon and Mayo with a focus in particular in the towns in both counties where there are on occasion reports of people sleeping rough but also to have a facility and capacity to engage with others reported to be rough sleeping across the three counties. The approach includes: Engagement with services, starting in the larger towns, to identify if there are people sleeping rough or living in settings not suitable for human habitation and locating where people are Developing referral pathways for people sleeping rough where these do not already exist or where there is scope to further advance them including to health and welfare and housing and accommodation services Targeted outreach in identified towns where there are reports of street rough sleeping as required, in early morning or later evening as appropriate when most likely to encounter people sleeping rough·Day time follow up work – flexible during day time hours, Monday to Friday Our Values, Our Work, Our People Our Vision is a community where every person is valued, cared for, and supported at every stage of life. We work to achieve this by providing essential supports for people at challenging times in their lives, and by advocating for systemic change to remove the root causes of inequity and disadvantage that constrain the wellbeing and development of individuals, families and communities. Our Mission is to make a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. We understand, respect and respond to the needs of our clients who are always at the forefront of our work. COPE Galway is committed to becoming a Trauma Informed Organisation through an implementation plan that includes training for all team members across all roles and departments. Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) aims to support us to recognise trauma and to react and respond to it in ways that minimise triggering and retraumatising people, so that we continue to provide the best possible services to those who need us most. TIP also encourages us to focus on our organisational culture and how we each interact with one another to create psychologically safe environments for clients, volunteers and staff. It encourages us to reflect on our own triggers and responses and considers personal and organisational responses to staff wellbeing to ensure that our people are supported to deliver the best services they possibly can to those who need them most. Everything we do is guided by the COPE Galway Approach to help us achieve our vision of a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. This assets-based and person-centred approach recognises that each person has attributes and strengths that can make positive differences in their own lives. We achieve results for the people we work with because of our Approach. The COPE Galway Approach is built on: Understanding - Deep listening, storytelling, learning, developing, openness, connections. Respect - Valuing the whole person, empowering, trusting, believing in the potential of others, drawing on strengths and abilities. Response - Quality, professionalism, making an impact, challenging ourselves, continuous improvement. Strong human relationships form the basis for the COPE Galway Approach. These relationships are established on how we understand and respect those we work with and how we respond so that we positively impact people’s lives. Our Team is supported by regular support and supervision, and access to our Employee Assistance Programme. Our people receive a wide variety of on-the-job training, with core training including Trauma Informed Practice, First Aid Responder, MAPA (Management of Actual and Potential Aggression), Overdose Response and Naloxone Administration and additional trainings including Values Workshops, Diversity Workshops and Harm Reduction Workshops. Duties and Responsibilities The Regional Outreach Coordinator is responsible to the Day Centre Manager. Their (not exhaustive) key duties are:Leadership and managementTo lead Street Outreach and to build capacity within the staff and volunteer teamTo participate in the recruitment and induction of staff and volunteers as appropriateTo line manage, develop and provide support and supervision to Outreach staffTo support Outreach volunteersTo support the rollout of Trauma Informed Practice in the serviceTo model leadership behaviours and embed a positive values-led cultureTo contribute to the development of reflective practice in the serviceTo develop and imbed a proactive approach on the part of the service to working with people at risk of homelessness or homelessness and to continue to promote and imbed this proactive approach when people move into tenancies.To identify gaps in service provision and work to reduce these through service developmentTo deputise for the Day Centre Manager when required Service ManagementTo ensure the day-to-day operations of the service run smoothly and by the policies and procedures of COPE GalwayTo carry out administrative and financial procedures by organisation policiesTo ensure that administration and recording systems are developed in place and appropriately operatedTo oversee the use of the database systems in place including PASS (Pathway Accommodation & Support System)To ensure that all incidents, emergencies, events and handovers are recorded using the recording systems in placeTo deal with maintenance issues and to ensure the upkeep of the facilityTo ensure that clients are consulted and involved in the operation of the project to the greatest practical extentTo work in line with NQSF (National Quality Standards Framework for Homeless Services)To process and deal with complaints in line with policy and procedureTo provide regular reports on performance and other issues, as requiredTo work in partnership with key management team members in coordinating Severe Weather Responses Client ServicesTo ensure a safe, welcoming and friendly service is established and maintainedTo develop and imbed a proactive and flexible approach to client engagementTo ensure that assessments are carried out in a professional, sensitive and appropriate mannerTo oversee the referral process to the serviceTo map routes out of street homelessness for and with clients in conjunction with the relevant local authoritiesTo support the team in helping clients with behaviours that challenge in line with the principles of Trauma Informed PracticeTo support the key working process ensuring it supports clients to access local services such as housing, welfare, medical, education and training and employment servicesTo be proactive in addressing difficult or problematic situations as they arise sensitively and directly within the framework of the organisational policies and proceduresTo ensure that appropriate and effective procedures are in place for communication and consultation with clients including supporting the Organisation’s policy of encouraging client involvement in a wide variety of waysTo map the regional needs of people who are rough sleeping and to support the development of the service into the future during and beyond the pilotTo identify gaps in service provision and report on these to the Day Centre Manager and Head of Homeless Services InteragencyTo work effectively and in collaboration with the HSE about health needs and with the local authorities about housing needsTo communicate effectively and respectfully with colleagues and clientsTo develop and maintain positive and mutually beneficial relationships with relevant external agenciesTo contribute to the fostering of positive relations with the local community and in particular by responding to enquiries made to the projectTo report on work and activities to funders as appropriate Health and SafetyTo ensure that health and safety standards are maintained and adhered to, including COPE Galway’s Safety Statement and related policies and proceduresTo ensure safe practices in service deliveryTo foster a Health and Safety culture in the service GeneralTo work positively and effectively as a member of a team and the wider OrganisationTo attend and contribute to Homeless Services Leads team meetings and other meetings as requiredTo participate in regular supervision and annual appraisal and assist in job-related training needsTo continue to learn and develop professionally through participating in training and workshopsTo ensure adherence within the service at all times to the COPE Galway Child Protection and Welfare Policy & Procedure and the Children First Guidelines To ensure that confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the COPE Galway Data Protection Policies and Procedures and agreed information sharing protocolsTo adhere to all of COPE Galway’s policies and proceduresTo participate in on-call management dutiesTo carry out any other reasonable duties as requested This job description will be subject to review to take account of any changes necessary in response to changing needs and development of the services over time. Key Terms and Conditions Frequency of Work: 37 hours per week, roster to be agreed with Day Centre ManagerContract Period: 12 monthsSalary/Pay-scale: Starting salary of €47,752 on a 7-point scaleMethod of Pay: Monthly by credit transferAnnual Leave: 27 days per annum pro rataPerson SpecificationThe ideal candidate will have:ESSENTIAL CRITERIA A minimum of three years experience of working with vulnerable communities A recognised third-level qualification (minimum level 8) in Social Care or a related field Leadership experience in a comparable area of work (homeless services, community services etc.) A minimum of two years’ specific experience of working with people experiencing homelessness or socially disadvantaged people A commitment to the Vision, Mission and Values of COPE Galway and the achievement of the Organisation’s strategic goals A thorough understanding of the nature of homelessness and the complex needs of people experiencing homelessness A full clean driving license and use of own vehicle Core competencies: An ability to develop and promote a culture of understanding, ownership and delivery of the Organisation’s vision A commitment to collaborating with other agencies and services in the delivery of this organisational vision An ability to build, maintain and positive effective relationships and networks An ability to take responsibility for service delivery and outcomes A commitment to encouraging and promoting a healthy working environment which fosters trust, respect and hard workInnovation in identifying new ways to work with, liaise with and engage with clients An ability to solve complex problems, creating effective and innovative solutions Professionalism and role modelling positive professional behaviours Promotion of a culture of high level trust and integrity Encouragement of staff to identify strengths and focus on progress, despite the challenges they face An ability to remain calm and composed within a demanding and stressful environment and situations, focusing on tasks and goals and role modelling effective management of challenging situations to staff An ability to model the highest standards of professional practice and encourage others to strive for the same
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