Homecare Supervisor - North Cork

The Homecare Supervisor will be accountable for planning and implementing initial homecare assessments and care plans with both prospect and existing Homecare Clients.This position is a part time fixed term role for 12 months, with the successful candidate required to work 3 days per week.Travel throughout the North Cork Area is part of this position and applicants must hold a full clean drivers’ license.Role and responsibilities ·        Oversee the day to day operations of the organisation·        Work as part of a team both with care staff and administration staff·        Have a clear understanding of HSE and HIQA governance·        Implement best practice supported by CPD practices·        Deliver clinical governance data to support a quality assurance approach·        Complete detailed care plans for clients care and update where necessary·        Adapt a hands on approach to clients in reference to competency skills assessments with all care staff·        Apply a person centred model of care to all clients·        Have the ability to prioritize care needs for clients·        Establish a professional working relationship with all members of the primary care teams·        Develop and monitor a value for money approach, enabling the business to grow·        Arrange meetings to support staff supported by actions and outcomes·        Promote a positive approach on behalf of CareBright·        Be confident in using IT systems and the willingness to learn new programmes·        Participate in all requests for detailed reports on behalf of the company·        Flexibility to work one weekend a month Essential Requirements ·        Candidates must have strong written and oral communication skills and be able to demonstrate a high level of attention to detail and be fully proficient in basic IT systems.·        Essential Experience in Team Management·        Hold a Primary Degree in Social Health care related·        Must have an Allied Health Care Background·        Must have experience in the development and delivery of care needs·        Demonstrate strong leadership skills·        Organise and willing to expand their skills set if required·        Candidates are required to have excellent interpersonal skills in addition to the ability to work independently and manage your own time.·        Experience in Community Homecare desirable. CareBright is an equal opportunities Employer

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