Homecare Assistants - County Kildare

Health Care Assistants - Guaranteed Hours ContractsLimited time offer of €500 joining bonus!!!Only work 7 days per fortnight, but receive 60 hours of guaranteed pay! (more hours also available).Be Independent Home Care is an established provider of premium Home Care services. At Be Independent Home Care we know the success of what we do depends on the quality and happiness of our team. Our team are at the heart of our company and it is their passion that ensures that our clients enjoy the best possible care. We are currently recruiting Home Care Assistants in:Clane/Naas areaAllenwood areaRathangan areaAthy/Castledermot areasAll applicants must be cheerful, caring, positive and dependable Individuals who really enjoy working with clients to provide a range of services such as companionship, personal support, meal preparation and mobility assistance.Applicants must be available to work between the hours of 8am – 9pm on the basis of a rotating roster – 3 days week one (Wed, Thurs, Fri), and 4 days week two (Mon, Tues, Sat, Sun) – only working every second weekend!BenefitsHourly Rate starting at €16 per hour.Guaranteed hours contract (minimum guaranteed hours of 30 per week)€500 Joining Bonus*Uncapped premium travel payment rates - 43 cents per KM.Full paid induction training.Fortnightly payrollFree ongoing training and development which we make enjoyable for all.Free Uniform and full PPE provided.Refer a Friend Scheme €150Full time support from a friendly and respectful Care Manager with back up from our Nurse Management Team who are there to help and support you.Free access to a confidential employee support, advise and counselling service and a Wellness AppCarer of the Month reward schemeHealth Insurance Discount SchemeCareer Progression OpportunitiesFree Protective Bad Weather Waterproof Clothing (to the value of €50).Required Education, Skills and QualificationsMinimum of 2 QQI modules (Care Skills & Care of the Older Person) or equivalent, or a minimum of 1 years' paid experience in providing care.Be a cheerful, caring, positive and dependable person.Have suitable work references.Have suitable permission to work.Have Fluent English.Have Own Car and Full License.*Limited time offer of €500 joining bonus paid after successfully completing 6 months employment with us.#CHO7

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