Homecare Assistant

Application DetailsIn Order to work in Ireland a non-EEA National, unless they are exempted, Must hold a valid employment permit. Please review the Eligibility and requirements for an employment permit If you are unsure of your eligibility to apply for this vacancy.Job Description The purpose of this role is to support our client's with all aspects of their day-to-day living.You will provide care in the client's home and it is essential that all services are delivered in a safe, compassionate and caring manner.Your Duties Providing Personal care ,Toileting, Meal Preparation , Moving and transferring, Working with Alzheimer's, Dementia and high dependency care.Supervising Medication Light housework/basic shopping needs.Following Client's care plan which is a guide that provides information on the individual character of services.Supporting social interactions and activities, providing companionship.Encouraging independence To observe, Listen, and engage with client's and maintain a positive relationship with the client and the family.Be punctual and manage time effectively.Always Observe confidentiality policy.Communicating with the office of any changes or concerns in relation to client's care/needs.Reporting and recording any incidents Adhering to health and safety regulations Qualifications and Experience Required QQI level 5 in Healthcare desirable.Have a clean Garda Vetting Cert and International Police Clearance Cert (if applicable).Computer Literacy essential Smart phone ownership essential.Can work independently and as part of a team.You must be reliable, Dedicated, Diligent and trustworthy. Understand GDPR and how important it is when working with the elderly.Must be fluent in English both verbally and written.Must be Eligible to work in the republic of Ireland.Career Level Entry Level

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