Hollowcore Design Technician

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Hollowcore Design Technician to join our team. Offering a sociable environment, we are committed to bringing out the best in our employees thus providing a superb opportunity to develop your career. Role:As a Hollowcore Design Technician, you will have the chance to work on a wide range of challenging projects from one off houses to large scale commercial, residential, education and industrial projects.  Skills Required:·       Previous experience within a precast design office, ideally within the precast flooring sector·       Competent in AutoCAD·       AutoFloor experience an advantage·       Excellent communication and organisation skills·       The ability to manage and prioritise daily workload·       Focus on deadlines ·       The ability to work as part of a team and on own initiative  What You Get:Kilsaran Precast is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive Salary·       Annual Bonus·       Pension SchemeTwenty-one Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:·       Sick Pay ·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Cycle-to-work scheme·       Further education/training and development support·       Career progression opportunitiesHiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       One round interview process ·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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