HGV Truck CE

WHAT WILL YOUR DAY-TO-DAY LOOK LIKE?Transport and deliver goods using an articulated truck.Review orders against manifests, sign off upon receipt, and ensure delivery paperwork is accurate and complete.Promptly report any delivery or vehicle maintenance issues to management or customer service.Adhere to company Health & Safety policies to maintain a safe working environment.Confirm deliveries and maintain open communication.Address delivery and collection challenges promptly to maintain the highest standards of service, identify issues early, follow up on discrepancies, and work with relevant personnel for resolution.Work closely with team members and maintain a proactive, team-oriented approach.This is a physically demanding role, so candidates should be physically fit and hold a valid manual handling certification. WHAT SKILLS ARE REQUIREDFull, clean CE license.Experience with White Goods is an advantageDigital Tachograph Card.All CPCs required and up to date.Relevant experience in driving articulated trucks in Ireland.Fluent in English.Flexibility in availability, especially for multi-drop nationwide deliveries.Ability to work to deadlines.Manual handling certification.WHAT DO WE WANTRequired license and CPCs in date.Previous experience in a similar role, particularly in multi-drop deliveries.People-oriented with strong written and verbal communication skills.Ability to load and unload trucks using appropriate material handling equipment (MHE) when required.Excellent attention to detail and accuracy with documentation.Flexibility with working hours; standard hours are between 7am – 6pm.Who We ArePrimeline is the largest independent Irish provider of logistics, sales and marketing services for domestic and international brands in Ireland and the UK. We are a privately owned business, in operation for 35 years, with over 1,100 employees across multiple sites in Ireland and the UK.Primeline’s Turnover is in excess of €300 million and we are growing rapidly. We pride ourselves in client relationships with brand owners and decision makers supplying product into the Multiple Grocery, Convenience, Foodservice sectors, and Pharmacy trade. Primeline Group consists of Primeline Logistics, Primeline Express and Johnson Brothers. With over 1,500,000 square feet of warehousing and four hundred vehicles, we complete 25,000 deliveries weekly. Primeline is in every town in Ireland, every day. Our people power our success.Where We Are GoingWe continue to develop our leadership teams to ensure that Primeline remains a place where people want to come to work every day, and a place where people can learn and strive towards their future goals. We will continue to create an environment where people can be at their best. Retaining our current customer, blue chip companies and multinational brands and growing new business by providing the best brand execution will be key to our success. We will build the best relationships and partnerships with our principles and customers, and we continue to drive a values-based culture.What Do We WantAt Primeline, our core values of respect, teamwork, results, excellence, and courage guide everything we do. We seek individuals who demonstrate empathy and appreciation for diverse perspectives, collaborate effectively with others, and are motivated by achieving outstanding results. You should be committed to continuous improvement, maintain high standards, and have the courage to take initiative and drive innovation. If you resonate with these values and are ready to contribute to a positive and dynamic work environment where everyone can thrive and succeed, we would love to hear from you.  

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