Heavy Goods Vehicle Mechanic

Barna Recycling, Connacht’s leading waste management provider, are currently seeking a HGV mechanic to work as part of a team in our workshop at our Carrowbrowne Facility just outside Galway City.  Duties & Responsibilities:·        To perform routine maintenance on our fleet. ·        Electrical and engine troubleshooting and diagnostics.·        Engine and transmission repairs.·        Diagnose faults and malfunctions.·        Perform 12 week safety inspections and pretests.·        Provide training and advice to apprentices.·        Ability to use hand and power tools related to motor vehicle service and repair.·        Complete job reports using a computer or tablet. ·        Maintaining a clean work environment and follow health & safety procedures. ·        Work on a wide range of vehicles and trailers Skills:·        Ability to diagnose malfunctions and faults. ·        Attention to detail.·        Problem solving.·        Knowledge of wiring.·        Ability to operate diagnostic equipment. ·        Knowledge of methods of preventive maintenance and general maintenance.·        Ability to work on your own and within a team.·        Knowledge of waste industry and advantage but not essential.  Qualifications:·        Qualified HGV Mechanic.·        Experience repairing truck fleet or similar.  Remuneration: ·        Competitive rate depending on experience. 

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