Heart of House Manager

A five-star career awaits at Carton House.We invite you to begin your next career chapter at Carton House – a storied and dynamic five-star resort destination and the first and only member of the Fairmont Hotel collection in Ireland.Nurturing a working environment built on fairness, inclusivity, and growth for all team members, we deliver the highest standard of service, turning moments into memories for all of our guests.We are currently hiring for a Heart of House Manager to join our Culinary team at Carton House.Key Responsibilities:Ensure the Kitchen Stewards team are trained and adhere to company policies on health and safety, hygiene, chemical use and timekeeping.Responsibility for the storage, upkeep and maintenance of all kitchen equipment and furniture.Assume the role of Hygiene Champion for culinary team and heart of house area.Ensure Heart of House areas are maintained to a high standard at all times.Daily supervision of all activities and deal effectively with any people issues.Manage stock areas with good stock rotation and organisation.Follow and enforce Food Safety Policy.Ensure that standards and procedures are adhered to at all times.Follow Health & Safety policy and Safe Working Practices to maintain a safe place to work.Keep kitchens clean according to cleaning specifications and the Hygiene Plan.Provide an efficient porterage service to the culinary and management team.Allocating kitchen stewards resources in line with event and resort requirements.Manage recruitment and selection alongside HR, for all positions within the department.Ensure temperature control system is in place and is control measures are conducted according to HACCP rules & regulations.Key Requirements:Previous experience in a similar role.Ability to work autonomously with use of self-motivation.In-depth understanding of Food Safety HACCP standards. Strong organizational skills with high attention to details.Strong team working skills and able to work effectively and both manage and contribute to a team. Ability to multitask many projects / initiatives at once, at a high level of quality and to tight timelines.Ability to work flexible hours, including weekends and bank holidays.Confident delivering training to culinary team on Food Safety HACCP standards. Why work for Carton House?To be part of Accor’s large global hospitality network. Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor Hotels worldwide.Learning and development opportunities. Refer a friend bonus.Employee Assistance Programme.Strong team focus and team atmosphere.Meals and uniform are provided.Free parking.Team-building and social events organised throughout the year in line with our successful Awards and Recognition Scheme.Training is provided both on-the-job and through organised training seminars with both internal and external trainers.

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