Healthcare Assistants - Swinford

GSW Solutions are recruiting on behalf of our client for the role of Healthcare Assistants in the Swinford area.Purpose of the Role:The Health Care Assistant is expected to engage in daily activities and routines of the service that they are working in, inclusive of direct support to service users, administration work and daily household tasks required of them. The Health Care Assistant is required to work as part of a dedicated and innovative team in within a Residential Services providing a service to service user in line with HIQA regulations & standards. Main Responsibilities·      Ensure delivery of a high standard of care·      Assist with the child/adults’ activities and care as assigned by the Manager and as indicated in the person’s Integrated Care Plan.·      Encourage recognition of the child/adult as an individual ensuring that they and their family’s needs and comforts are given priority.·       Ensure that all files are in line and ready for a HIQA Inspection at any given time.·      To act as an advocate for the child/adult and family ensuring the provision of appropriate information and support·      To ensure that colleagues assist in all aspects of the child’s/adult’s Integrated Care Plan in a safe and observant manner.·      Report changes noted in the child/adult’s condition/behaviour to the Manager.·      Develop social interaction for children/adults individually and in a group setting.·      Report requests, queries from children/adults/parents/visitors to the Manager.·      To be aware of the uses, safety precautions and handling of equipment.·      Report all incidents and complaints involving self, children/adults or visitors to Manager and ensure incident/complaint form is completed.·      Receive all visitors and family members to the unit with courtesy.·      To participate in all communication processes - team meetings/staff forums/emails.·      Ensure personal care is provided to service users who require it.·       In line with GDPR, maintain and uphold the organisation’s and Service Users’ confidentiality at all times.·      Flexible and willing to work shifts to meet the needs of the service.·      Undertake any other work which may arise within the scope of a Health Care Assistant in order to meet the requirements of the service. Essential Requirement·      Recognised QQI Level 5 or equivalent·      Minimum of 1 year experience in a similar environment supporting adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.·      Knowledge of adults/children with complex needs.·      Full driving license.

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