Healthcare Assistants - Sligo Town and County

Westcare Homecare are recruiting for Supervisors to manage a team of Healthcare Assistants in the Sligo Town and surrounding areas. We are looking for:Supervisory experienceFlexibility, as hours will varyEnthusiasticCan do attitudeEager to learn and succeedQQI Level 5 in Healthcare and an up to date Patient Manual HandlingRelevant experience in Homecare and caring for the vulnerable and elderlyHas own transport and Full Irish driving license What do we offer you?Flexible Working Hours to suit your lifestyleSign up BonusRefer a Friend BonusCompetitive ratesFuel Card Paid MileagePrivate Family Health InsuranceFree UniformTraining ProvidedCareer development opportunitiesFlexible Working ArrangementsEmployee Discounts (locally)Optional Pension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFurther Education SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeYou can apply right away or get more details by calling our office at 0719144677 if you'd like to become a member of our ever-expanding team at Westcare Homecare as a health care assistant.

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