Healthcare Assistants - Castlerea, Roscommon

Guided by Clinical Leads across 25 Irish offices, Bluebird Care has revolutionised Home Care delivery.Our Clinical Lead offer exceptional support and training to Healthcare Assistants, significantly enhancing our Clients' lives. We seek empathetic, reliable candidates for Healthcare Assistant roles.What our Healthcare Assistants say about us:• I appreciate the outstanding support and guidance from my Clinical Lead• Teamwork is essential, and it makes a noticeable difference to my clientsLocations: Castlerea, Co. Roscommon and Ballintuber, Co. RoscommonBenefits:• Rate of pay from €13.50/hour• Paid Travel time for journeys from client to client• €250 bonus for friend referrals• Flexible hours available Monday to Sunday 8am to 10pm• Bi-weekly payment• Garda vetting at no cost• Opportunities for career growth• Assistance with QQI registration if needed• 24/7 nurse-led support• Employee Assistance Program• Bike to Work initiative• Loyalty BonusThe role's purpose is to assist our clients with all facets of their daily living. Care will be provided in the client's home, and it is crucial that all services are rendered in a manner that is safe, compassionate, and caring.Duties include:• Providing personal care, toileting, meal preparation, moving and transferring, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and high-dependency care, prompting medication, and addressing light housework/basic shopping needs.• Adhering to the client's Care Plan, which outlines the individual nature of services.• Facilitating social interactions and activities, offering companionship.• Promoting independence.• Observing, listening to, and engaging with clients to foster positive relationships with them and their families.• Being punctual and managing time efficiently.• Upholding the confidentiality policy.• Communicating any changes or concerns regarding client needs/care to the office.• Documenting and reporting any incidents.• Complying with Health & Safety regulations.Minimum Qualifications and Experience:• Completion of at least 2 modules: QQI Care Skills and QQI Care of the Older Person or a minimum ofone year's experience in a healthcare setting.• If applicable International Police Clearance Certificate.• Willingness to undergo a medical examination to obtain a medical fitness certificate for work.• Holding a full driver's license and owning transport.• Ability to work independently and as part of a team.• Reliability, dedication, diligence, and trustworthiness. A good understanding of GDPR, especially itsimportance in working with the elderly.• Proficiency in English, both verbal and written.• Eligibility to work in the Republic of Ireland.Job Types: Full-time, Part-Time, PermanentPay: Rate of pay from €13.50 per hour

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