Healthcare Assistants

Saint John of God North East Services are part of Saint John of God Community Services clg, a group of HSE funded health and social care services. Saint John of God Community Services provides services for people with intellectual disabilities in four regions in Ireland. In the North East, we provide residential and day services to some 400 adults with intellectual disabilities in counties Louth, Meath and Monaghan. Saint John of God North East Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community that they live. VACANCIES EXIST THROUGHOUT LOUTH, MEATH AND MONAGHANHEALTHCARE ASSISTANTS(Permanent Full-Time)Successful applicants will have: Completed a relevant QQI certificate (formerly FETAC) at level 5 Major AwardPrevious relevant experience of supporting people with an intellectual disability and in particular those who have a moderate to profound disability;Possess an in-depth knowledge and understanding of HIQA and relevant legislation;Experience of contributing to the development and implementation of behavioural support plans;Demonstrate a clear commitment to community inclusion and active citizenship;Experience of attending to residents personal care and all activities of daily living with an emphasis on promoting residents participation in the running of their home;Demonstrate excellent communication skillsFlexible and responsive in all aspects of workHave a full Clean driver’s license 

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