Healthcare Assistant with premium pay

St. Joseph's Foundation is a voluntary organisation providing comprehensive services for people with intellectual disabilities. Founded in 1968 the Foundation has grown through continuously responding to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.  Residential Services / Full time Permanent PostsShift pattern: Days/ Evenings/ Nights/ Weekends (rostered on a shift)We are currently seeking full-time Healthcare Assistant to join our dynamic team supporting Residential Services at our following locations:Granagh, Limerick The ideal candidates will have:Experience of working as a healthcare assistantHave completed QQI Level 5 (Major Award) in Healthcare Support or equivalentA full Irish Driving Licence and indemnification of the FoundationBenefits:Paid company Sick leavePaid company Maternity LeavePension - organisation contribution of 6.35%Generous annual leave Access to the Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike to work schemeEmployee referral schemeDeath - in - serviceCareer development opportunitiesIncremented Section 39 pay scales / Successful candidates can expect premium rates on top of the section 39 pay scales (outlined in payscale)Section 39 pay scales (premiums additional payment to the set hourly rate)Point 1: €14.88 Point 2: €15.13Point 3: €15.53Point 4: €16.49 Point 5: €17.63Point 6: €17.93Point 7: €18.70 Point 8: €19.26Point 9: €19.73Point 10: €20.25LSI: €20.66 For more information and to view a full job description, call Siobhan on 0862035543 or click APPLY with your most recent CV today and await a confidential call back.

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