Healthcare Assistant - Wexford Town

Care Opportunities – Own Transport RequiredAre you looking for a fulfilling care role in Wexford Town and surrounding areas? Bluebird Care is seeking compassionate Healthcare Assistants to join our team. With clients throughout Wexford Town and the wider region, this role offers the perfect blend of local work and flexible scheduling.Why Choose Our Wexford Position?· Mileage allowance provided· Mix of morning, afternoon, evening and weekend shifts available· Ideal for those who enjoy independence and drivingRate: Starting at €13.10 per hour Hours: Full-time and part-time positions availableBenefits:· Employee Assistance Program· Online shopping discounts· Paid shadowing· Travel time and milage paidEssential Requirements:· QQI Level 5 in Care of the Elderly and Care Skills· Full driving license and own vehicle· Commitment to quality care· Good communication skills· Reliable and compassionate natureAbout Bluebird Care: We’re more than just a care company – we’re a team that understands life’s demands.Whether you’re:· A carer looking for full-time hours with flexibility· Wanting to build a long-term care career· Semi-retired seeking purposeful part-time work· A parent working around school hoursWe’ll work with you to create a schedule that works for you and us while you deliver exceptional care to our clients.The Bluebird Care Difference:· Supportive management team· Regular, reliable hours· Competitive pay rates· Mileage compensationApply today to discuss how we can create your ideal working pattern in your preferred location.

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