Healthcare Assistant - Signacare Killerig

Healthcare Assistant | Killerig, Co Carlow | Signacare Killerig is currently seeking to recruit Healthcare Assistants to join the successful and committed team in Signacare Killerig Nursing Home where their commitment is to enhance the quality of life for all residents. Together, we achieve this by living our core company values in relation to communication, respecting residents’ rights, choice and individuality, promoting their independence and collaborating with our many community partners. It is our mission to ensure that residents feel valued and loved within their homes. Our strong family ethos and team of talented, diverse and caring colleagues is central to the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment that creates a strong sense of home for our residents. Our core company values: Communication | Privacy, Respect & Dignity| Choice | Independence | Individuality | Rights | Community Partnership Employer:Signacare Killerig Location:SignaCare Killerig Contract Type:Permanent, full-time Salary/Pay:Competitive Rates Benefits:Highly competitive remuneration packageCareer advancement opportunitiesMultiple Sites and LocationEmployee Assistance Program  Duties Include:Contribute to and enhance the quality of Resident activities and events.Participate in assigned and delegated tasks involving direct care and all activities of daily living under the direction and supervision of your line manager e.g., washing, toileting, dressing, undressing, dining, social activities, conversation, communication support and all other aspects of daily living Requirements:Minimum partial QQI Level 5 Award – Healthcare or equivalentElder care experienceExcellent communication skillsExcellent personal care abilities

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