Healthcare Assistant - North Dublin

Are you looking to be part of a team of healthcare professionals who support local people to remain independent at home?Connected Health is a Dublin-based home care provider operating across Ireland. We are looking for kind, compassionate & reliable people with a passion for caring to join our network of home care assistants in Dublin and throughout Ireland.We are recruiting Healthcare Assistants across North Dublin.Locations: Howth, Portmarnock, Coolock, Santry, Ballymun, Finglas and BlanchardstownWhat Connected Health can offer our home care assistants:Competitive rates - Up to €20 per hour plus travel allowance€200 Sign on BonusEnhanced Bank Holiday rateFlexible working hours Bi-monthly pay (paid twice a month)Contracted hours 24/7 support from our healthcare managers and friendly office teamFull induction trainingOpportunities for continual healthcare training & developmentA lucrative refer a friend scheme - €200 per referral* Care Assistant of the Month scheme Company uniform and full PPE Essential Criteria:Good English skills - both spoken and writtenA cheerful, upbeat, and friendly personalityNo experience required*QQI Level 5 (Care Skills and Care of the Older Person) - we can help you achieve these before start date*Hold a full driving licence with access to a car is essentialRoles & Responsibilities:To undertake personal care and daily living tasks as agreed with the service user, their family and the professionals involved with the individual service plan.To work at all times within the policies and procedures of Connected Health Ltd or if required Next of Kin.To provide service users with opportunities to express their preference as to the way tasks are carried out.To develop and maintain professional working relationships with service users and work colleagues from a wide variety of backgrounds.To communicate regularly with the immediate supervisor, in particular regarding changes in the service user’s condition or circumstances.To use the services on-call system in accordance with the service guidance. To attend training including induction training, team meetings and individual supervision sessions as required.To complete documentation, including service user records and timesheets.To comply with all Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.To participate in supervision, staff meetings and training activities as required.To be responsible for maintaining and improving own knowledge and skills through experience and training.To undertake additional responsibilities as requested by the Service Manager following the successful completion of specific training and personal skills development.To undertake any other reasonable duties as required#CA

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