Healthcare Assistant Wexford

We are now recruiting Healthcare Assistants for full and part time work in Co.WexfordDuties (to include but not limited to);·        To assist with all activities of daily living.·        To prepare meals and assist where needed·        Assist residents to maximise independence.·        To promote independence to the fullest, allowing the resident choice and provide superior person-centred care.·        To work as part of a team and respect colleagues and residents at all times·        To promote safe working practices in line with company policies and procedures.Benefits;In house trainingPaid Garda vettingUniform supplied (where necessary)Continuous Management & In-field supportEmployee Discount Card schemeRequired Education Skills and Qualifications;QQI Level 5 in Care Skills & Care of the Older person qualification (or have commenced course)40 hours work experience completedOwn car and clean driving licenseSolid verbal and written communication skillsAbout Kare Plus – The Caring Company;Our mission is to deliver superior homecare, nursing & healthcare services to every community in Ireland.Applicants must be available for weekday and weekend work. Flexibility is essential, as early morning starts and evening and weekend work will be a requirement.The successful candidates will be subject to Garda vetting and will have to provide us with written references.

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