Healthcare Assistant – Killeagh / Castlemartyr Co.Cork

Job Title: Healthcare Assistant Job location: Killeagh / Castlemartyr. Co. Cork Role of the Healthcare AssistantA Healthcare Assistant’s primary purpose is to deliver personal care and assistance to a client in their own home. Healthcare Assistants are responsible for the implementation of the requirements of the clients care plan, performing identified care duties and promoting client comfort, dignity and wellbeing.Benefits:Flexible working hours.Paid Training Contribution.Corporate Club Membership.Employee Wellness Program.Probation Bonus.Retention Bonus.Travel Expenses.PPE Supplied.In House Training.Out of hours support.Paid Garda Vetting.Paid Holiday Leave.Refer a friend Scheme.Uniform Supplied.Work and Learn Scheme.Flexible payment options.Full and part time hours.Guaranteed hours contracts available.Attractive salary and employee benefits.Your main responsibilities will include:Assisting the client in their daily activities;Paying due care and attention to all aspects of care duties carried out on behalf of the client;Providing a high standard of care, in compliance with Bluebird Care Policies.Qualifications Experience Required:Care Assistants must have either obtained QQI approved Level 5 Modules Care of the Older Person and Care Skills/Healthcare Support; or have a minimum of one- years experience caring for others and be willing to undertake the two qualification modules outlined above.Qualities and Characteristics:The essential qualities of a Care Assistant include having genuine compassion for others, and the ability to consistently demonstrate kindness, empathy and patience. Being a good communicator, with the ability to build a rapport with others is also key!Employment Types Available:Full and part time hours are available, dependent on your availability.Working hours are flexible.We offer an attractive salary and employee benefits.Contact us today if you would like to hear more about working with Bluebird Care!

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