Healthcare Assistant IHE Mallow Part Time

Role of Healthcare AssistantThe Care Assistant’s primary role is to deliver personal care and assistance to a client in his/her own home. Care Assistants are responsible for the implementation of the requirements of the clients care plan, perform identified care duties and promote client comfort, dignity and wellbeing.Your responsibilities as a Care Assistant include . . .      Assist the client with Activities of Living     Pay due care and attention to all aspects of care duties carried out on behalf of the client     Provide a high standard of care in compliance with Bluebird Care Policies Qualifications & Experience     A minimum of one-year experience (Professional or Personal) caring for others and be in a position to undertake the two QQI approved Level 5 Modules Care of the Older Person and Care Skills/Healthcare Support.     Patient Moving and Manual Handling certificate QualitiesEssential qualities of a Care Assistant include having a genuine concern for others, having the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion and patience.Benefits:Flexitime, Upskilling Training, DCI Fuel card, Bank Holiday Rates, Employee Assistance Programme, Refer a friend Scheme, Fortnightly Pay, Contribution to Mileage, Company car rostered rotation, Salary starting from €14

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