Healthcare Assistant - Gorey Town & District

Job descriptionBluebird Care has exciting opportunities for Care Workers throughout Gorey Town & the surrounding areas in providing care for people in their homes and community.Why join Bluebird Care?BenefitsCompetitive rates of payFlexible working hours (full-time & part-time)Excellent supportProfessional development trainingPaid travelPaid Shadows and IntroductionsEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Discount SchemeApplicants must satisfy the following requirements:Possess Relevant ExperienceIdeally have completed or commenced a QQI/Fetac Level 5 Course in Healthcare (Care Skills & Care of the Older Person) - this is not essentialThe role of our care assistants is to perform duties and tasks to facilitate our clients to live at home in a safe, secure and comfortable way. As a Care Assistant you will support our clients with personal care including washing & bathing and light domestic chores whilst importantly providing companionship.It’s time to care!!Apply Today and we will be in touch shortly.

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