Healthcare Assistant - Glengara Park Nursing Home

Beechfield Care Group are currently seeking to recruit Healthcare Assistants to assume responsibility for the care of residents at Glengara Park Nursing Home, Dun Laoghaire. We are a long established Nursing Home Group based Dublin, Carlow, Meath & Kildare. Our mission is to provide the best standard of quality care to our residents. Our philosophy places the care of the resident at the heart of the nursing home.Great benefits on offer:Paid BreaksFree Meals on sitePaid trainingFree parkingFlexible working hoursEducation & Development - Paid QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support ModulesSummer & Christmas PartiesAccess to Pension SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLong service, Employee recognition and appreciation awardsRole Responsibilities:Undertake hygiene and dress care functions for residents Safe manual handling and transfer of residents within nursing homeDelivery of food to and feeding of residentsReturn of used trays and dishes top kitchen, leaving residents and their rooms neat and tidyBed making and linen changesProvide incontinence and toilet care to residents, including emptying commodes and replacing catheter bagsAssisting trained nurses with provision of psychological and social support as neededContinuous vigilance towards dignity, comfort, safety and whereabouts of residentsContinuous adherence to hygiene, health and safety regulationsAny other duties as requiredDesirable: Elder care experience.QQI Level 5 - Healthcare Support

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