16.00 per hour Healthcare Assistant - Dun Laoghaire

Locations: Dun Laoghaire, Dalkey, Killiney, Ballybrack and Shankill areas.We can offer evening & weekend work if you are unable to commit to during the week.Applicants must have experience in caring either in a professional or family capacity.The ideal applicant will be honest, caring, patient and be able to speak English fluently. If you do not have your QQI Level 5 Healthcare qualification, you should be working towards it or we can provide QQI training in Care Skills & Care of the Elderly for freApplicants must be able to supply suitable character references and be willing to complete a Garda Vetting Form.For fully qualified applicants with full QQI and 2 year’s experience:€16.00 Euro ph Mon to Saturday and €18.25 ph on Sundays. Half hour rates are €9.50 Euro Monday to Saturday and €10.50 Euro on Sundays.For fully qualified applicants with full QQI€15.75 Euro ph Mon to Saturday and €18.00 ph on Sundays. Half hour rates are €9.25 Euro Monday to Saturday and €10.25 Euro on Sundays.If you do not have the full QQI but have Care Skills and Care Of the Elderly:€15.00 Euro per hour Mon to Saturday and €17.25 on Sundays. Half hour rates are €9.00 Euro Monday to Saturday and €10.00 Euro on Sundays.If you do not have any QQI, we can provide free training in QQI Care Skills and Care Of The Elderly, there is an interim rate while you achieve these as follows:€14.00ph Mon to Saturday and €16.25 ph on Sundays. Half hour rates are €8.75 Euro Monday to Saturday and €9.75 Euro on Sundays.What we offer successful candidates :Competitive hourly rate from €16.00 to €18.25Premium Sunday and 30 minute ratesGenerous Travel Reimbursement where gap between calls is less than 4 hoursPaid ShadowingFortnightly payRefer-a-Friend Program - €250.00 per referralBike-to-work scheme including E-BikeFully paid for QQI Level 5 CoursesWellness ProgramFree UniformsFree Bluebird Care Hooded SweatshirtFree Quality Bluebird Care CoatGuaranteed RostersFree Online Training Courses:24/7 On-Call SupportFree Employee Assistance ProgramWE DO NOT PROVIDE SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE, VALID WORK PERMIT ESSENTIAL

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