Healthcare Assistant Boyle

Westcare Homecare are recruiting for multiple healthcare assistants in Boyle Town & surrounding areas for HSE clients. We offer guaranteed hours, immediate start after vetting received. You will be community based to assist in providing care for the most vulnerable in our society. You will be joining a strong team of excellent carers, you will receive support and encouragement from your colleagues and local Roscommon office.We are looking for:FlexibilityEnthusiasticCan do attitudeEager to learn and succeedwho has a QQI Level 5 in Healthcare or Care of the older person and care skills or working towardsRelevant experience in Homecare and caring for the vulnerable and elderlyHas own transport and Full Irish driving licenceWhat do we offer you?Joining bonus of up to €250* (T&C apply)Refer a friend bonus of €150* (T&C apply)Carer of the MonthFuel CardPaid Mileage20/40 hrs per weekFree UniformOngoing support and training providedIn-house company inductionAn open door policy

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