Healthcare Assistant

We are seeking experienced and enthusiastic Healthcare Assistants to join our team at Bloomfield Hospital.This is a great opportunity for both experienced and newly qualified Healthcare Assistants to be an active part of a committed multidisciplinary team and to make a significant contribution in the area of mental health.Work Location: Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham Dublin 16, IrelandContract Type: Permanent, Full-TimeHours of work: 39 hours weekly/ 78 hours fortnightly. Shift assignments will include day, night, bank and weekend shifts, and require flexibility to meet the needs of the service.About Bloomfield Hospital:Bloomfield Hospital provides a spectrum of neuropsychiatric services to adults with a range of severe and enduring mental health needs such as Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s, and Huntington`s Diseases, as well as individuals with early onset dementias, schizophrenia and mood disorders. We are the only facility in Ireland that provides a high level of specialized care for people with Huntington’s disease.In Bloomfield Hospital there is a focus on creating a therapeutic environment by using recovery-oriented clinical practices and therapeutic interventions, which are evidence-based to enable and support patients to achieve their highest level of functioning and quality of life.This care is delivered through a Multi-disciplinary Team including colleagues in Psychiatry, Psychology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Dietetics, Physiotherapy, and General Practice.  Bloomfield Hospital is a 131-bed in-patient mental health service, registered as an approved centre with the Mental Health Commission. Our ethos is rooted in the principle of honoring the dignity of every person who comes through our doors. We have over 200 multi-disciplinary team members delivering the highest standards of care in a friendly and inclusive workplace. We value every member of our team and believe strongly in supporting employee wellbeing and in the importance of a healthy work-life balance.Responsibilities:Wash patients in bed shower or bath as required.Making beds.Help patients/residents to dress. Lift, move, turn, and re-position patients, using the appropriate equipment at all times.Care of incontinent, colostomy, and ileostomy patients. Supervise incontinent, colostomy, and ileostomy patients in toilets, on commodes, and in bathrooms and assist with appropriate hygiene and incontinence wear. Give and remove bedpans, urinals, and commodes as required. Record and monitor bowel function, measuring urinary output, output from IDC, and urostomy. Notify nursing staff throughout the shift.Understand, assist, and promote patients’ oral hygiene including denture care. Care for patients’ hair and nails as required. Shave male patients.Mobilise and help patients to exercise as required.Ensure the comfort and safety of patients are met as per local policy.Assist patients/residents as per care plan with nutritional intake and record keeping of same.Assist nurses with procedures when necessary. Weigh patients using appropriate equipment specific to the patient’s/resident’s needs. Record, inform, and report to nursing staff.Give and remove emesis containers and sputum cartons.Understand the basics of skin integrity and promote and maintain the same through positive interventions. Maintain active communication with nursing staff. Assist the nursing staff with pressure sore prevention and care.Person SpecificationThe successful candidate will have completed a QQI Level 5 or Fetac 5 (8 modules) in Healthcare or Pre-Nursing or similar Nursing Qualification.Minimum 1 year of relevant experience.Previous experience in a psychiatric environment is an advantage.Care Skills and Care Support are essential.Our benefits include: Fixed roster patternsGenerous healthcare staff shift premiums (25% night duty, double time Sundays and bank holidays)Contributory pensionCareer developmentComprehensive training programmesFurther education supportsOn-site library and research facilityEmployee Well-being programmeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree onsite staff parkingSubsidized onsite restaurantCycle to work schemePlease note we are not sponsoring work permits for this role.Please note that due to large volume of applications only candidates who are shortlisted will be contacted.  For further information, please contact a member of our HR Team at 01-4950021 or email

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