Healthcare Assistant

With over 20 years of experience in the Nursing Homes Sector, the CareChoice Team is focused on transitioning CareChoice to become the most trusted and respected Nursing Home brand in Ireland.We are now looking for Full-time/Part-time/Relief Healthcare Assistants. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your skills within a supportive environment whilst working with an experienced team of Healthcare Professionals in a diverse, multi-cultural environment.This job post is for multiple locations across Ireland. Our 15 locations are based throughout Leinster and Munster. Preferred locations will be considered and candidates will be allocated to a location post interview.Responsibilities and DutiesSupporting the nursing staff in providing high-quality holistic care to our residentsEnsuring residents hygiene/personal care needs are maintained to the highest standards while maintaining the resident’s dignity at all timeAssisting residents with eating and drinking in line with their nutrition needsAssisting residents with mobilizing as appropriate and using correct aidsEscorting or/and transfer residents as directed by the Nursing staffAssisting in End of Life CareAny other duties deemed necessary by nurse and management.Qualifications and SkillsQQI/FETAC Level 5 qualification.Practical experience in a caring capacity desired.Ability to work independently or as part of a team.Professional, caring and empathetic nature.Be comfortable working in a sometimes, challenging environment.Have a good level of English language skillsGood communication skillsAvailability to work varied shift patterns days, nights & weekends, across Monday to Sunday.What we offer:Comprehensive induction trainingFree Garda VettingA rewarding working environment, with support from supervisors and managersCompetitive rates of payPaid quality trainingContinuous professional developmentOpportunities for promotion within an expanding groupExtensive in-house training (NMBI approved)Employee Assistance Programme which offers advice and support1 Free Uniform/yearFree parking

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