Healthcare Assistant

J.C Michael Groups Ltd. Is looking for cheerful, dedicated and committed professional Health Care Assistants in Medway Kent for weekdays and weekends shifts to support our Service user with activity of daily living.Our Health Care Assistants are probably the most vital members of our team. This is an incredibly special role - it is a privilege to be so involved in the lives of our Client who live locally to you.Do you enjoy caring for the elderly and advocating for the vulnerable? We need you as part of our teams to support Client with their daily care and participate in a variety of activities forming professional relationships and understanding each client's special needs and interests.Excellent rates of pay £11.45 per hourBenefits of working with J.C. Michael Groups Ltd-·        Free Specialised continuous Mandatory Training and Refreshers Training·        Opportunities to gain a Nationally Recognised Qualification in Health and Social Care·        Paid annual leave·        Excellent ongoing management support·        Uniforms·        Attractive benefit packagesRequirements·        New Non experience are welcome·        Or 6 months to 1-year experience in the required field will be advantage to quick start.·        Relevant qualifications i.e. NVQ/QCF L2/L3 in social care preferred·        Flexibility·        Caring and reliable·        Enthusiastic and consistent·        Great verbal and written communication skills·        All posts are subject to an enhanced DBS check and suitable References·        Drivers preferred but not essentialResponsibilities·        Assisting with personal hygiene and care·        Assisting, prompting or administration of Medications·        Practical and social support including but not limited to hoisting, using Zimmer frame·        Respecting the dignity of the individual and promoting independenceIf you're interested in joining our team as a Health Care Assistant, please ‘click apply’ now we would love to hear from you!

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