Healthcare Assistant

Healthcare Assistant required for Kiltipper Woods Care Centre, Kiltipper Road, Dublin 24 - Must have valid work permit for Ireland.Kiltipper Woods Care Centre is currently expanding our team and is recruiting Healthcare Assistants for full-time and part-time positions. Our Care Centre based in Dublin 24 is a purpose-built Centre established in 2004. Our multidisciplinary team provides a range of specialist care services including care of the older person, the younger person with a disability, people with Dementia/Alzheimer’s and step-down care, convalescence, and rehabilitation care services. Kiltipper Woods Care Centre provides outpatient rehabilitation and wellness therapies through our physiotherapy and hydrotherapy clinic.The role of the Healthcare Assistant is to assist the Nursing Staff in the delivery of resident / patient care and to work under the supervision and direction of the Nurse Manager and the Staff Nurses.Duties and Responsibilities of the Healthcare AssistantEnsuring the provision of a high standard of care to the patient and families is consistent with the mission, vision, values of Kiltipper Woods Care CentreHave a sense of Responsibility and Accountability to all patients, residents, staffSupport the Clinical Nurse Manager in the implementation of Policy in all mattersDemonstrate behaviour consistent with the values of Kiltipper Woods Care CentrePlay an active role in education and be actively involved in Health Education and promotionMaintain throughout the Care Centre an awareness of the privacy and confidentiality of the patient, resident, family, and staff in relation to all activitiesAlways act in the best interest of the Resident / PatientEstablish and maintain relationships with residents that are based on respect and equality and that promote their independence The ideal candidate should have the following:  QQI Level 5 in healthcare support - major award.Experience in care of the older person.Good communication skillsCaring natureWe are currently expanding our team and looking for Healthcare Assistants for full-time hours or flexible part-time shifts minimum 20 hours per week. Kiltipper Woods Care Centre offers the following benefits: A modern state of the art facilityA pleasant working environmentCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of serviceContinuous Professional DevelopmentPaid mandatory trainingFlexible working hoursOnsite Café with staff discountDiscounted uniforms with a repayment planTax saver scheme (Bus, Rail, Bike to work)Free Car ParkingPension SchemeDeath in Service Insurance benefitCredit Union Savings Plan for staff with other added benefitDiscounted Physio sessionsBike storageWinner Clinical Team of the Year 2019 - Irish Healthcare AwardsWinner Nursing Home/Residential Care Unit of the Year 2019 - Irish Healthcare AwardsKiltipper Woods Care Centre is an equal opportunities employer

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