Health & Social Care Professionals - Basic Grade

Peamount Healthcare is an independent voluntary organisation that provides a range of high-quality health and social care services including rehabilitation, residential and community services. It is expanding its rehabilitation services to include an inpatient and ambulatory care Rheumatology Service. Peamount Healthcare is committed to the following values:Person centred – seeing each person as unique, giving them a voice, and focusing on ability.Respect – creating a supportive environment where everyone is given courteous and respectful care and support.Excellence – enabling interdisciplinary teams to deliver high quality integrated care, meaningful outcomes with a focus on continuous improvement.Team working – fostering an inclusive, healthy working environment where people are valued and recognised for their individual and shared achievements.Quality improvement – supporting teams to embed continuous improvement methodology as part of everything we do.Education & Research – partnering with academia to support education, learning, research, and evidence-based care. Basic Grade Positions Available Peamount Healthcare are accepting C.Vs for Basic Grade Positions for: ·        Dietician·        Occupational Therapists·        Physiotherapists·        Speech & Language TherapistsFor all Informal Queries please contact recruitment@peamount.ieJob descriptions are available from the Human Resources Department via email request to Remuneration for all positions will be in accordance with the Department of Health salary scale commensurate with relevant qualifications and experience. Peamount is an equal opportunities employer. Canvassing will disqualify applicants. Further information on Peamount Healthcare can be found on our website at

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