Health & Safety Officer

Quinn Downes Group are a leading National provider of Mechanical Service Installations to high-profile clients across Ireland. We have an exciting opportunity for a Health & Safety Officer to join our expanding team. The successful candidate will be working for the Quinn Downes Group Health and Safety Department which manages the Health and Safety Systems for Quinn Downes Installations and Quinn Downes Service and Maintenance.  Main Duties & ResponsibilitiesWork with and report to the Health and Safety Manager regarding Health and Safety performance across all companies.Liaise with Contracts Managers and Project Managers to ensure compliance with current Health and Safety statutory requirements and Company procedures.Attend regular Health & Safety meetings between staff, subcontractors, main contractors, and senior management.Conducting monthly site inspections and audits across nominated projects.Regular site attendance for high profile Construction Projects.Delivering on continual improvement on existing ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 standards.Participation in yearly NSAI surveillance and recertification audits.Reviewing and assisting with the development of Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) for employee’s and subcontractors.Continual review of Health and Safety Documents, Processes and Procedures.Reporting and investigation of incidents, accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences and updating associated databases.Reporting, recommending, and implementing corrective actions for Health and Safety nonconformities.Communicating good practice and good catches to relevant parties.Trend Analysis across incidents, non-conformances and good catches.Organising staff training and updating training database Desired CriteriaHolds or working towards NEBOSH General Certificate or NCRQ Certificate in Applied Health and Safety.Knowledge of Health & Safety Legislation, Codes of Practice and Guidelines.Previous experience in a Health and Safety role or active participation in a Safety Committee.Experience in the construction industry is preferred but not essential.Full Driving license essential for travel to sites.Must be IT Proficient with Microsoft Outlook, Excel, and Word.Confident, proactive and have strong interpersonal and communication skills.Ability to work as part of a team and on your own initiative.Willingness to uphold health and safety values above all others.

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