Health & Safety and Training Manager

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP`s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.Our customers are the major multiples and high profile caterers and require the best 365 days of the year. That means central packing and sophisticated distribution, a revolutionary supply chain in the industry which is being led and developed by ABP. Only well-resourced companies can compete for such business.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development. The Role: •Carrying out regular and comprehensive risk assessments and maintain records to ensure management have access to up-to-date safety records.•Assist maintaining standard operational procedures, which identify and take account of all relevant hazards both current and new. •Oversee that safe working procedures are developed and implemented and assist in the review and development of new and existing processes and procedures.​•Ensure the continuous maintenance and development of Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.•Maintain a working knowledge and comply with all national and local regulations, standards, codes and company policies and advise employees and management on regulatory issues•Build positive relations with all employees, managers and any external contractors and represent ABP and its interests in the best possible manner•COSHH assessments – review and complete accordingly.•Inspect production areas on a regular basis, identifying probable risks and advising on suitable control measures. •Assist in the development and delivery of in-house training and management of training records and compliance reporting thereon.•Compiling incident and accident statistics and supporting the company’s objectives for an incident free culture.•Perform regular internal Health and Safety Audits and provide assistance and cooperation on all other audits, while ensuring closeout of any remedial actions raised.•Always comply with company policy and procedure on safe food handling and hygiene.•Carry out monthly H&S meetings with site management team and site H&S champions•Responsible for H&S induction for all new employees.•Ongoing maintenance and development of a positive safety culture in line with the commercial needs of the business.•Identify training requirements in the work force and follow up accordingly​.•Investigate and attend all accidents/incidents that occur and collate all information and create reports accordingly​.•Maintain training files and matrix and ensure sign offs are up to date and audit ready at all times​.•Responsible for food hygiene training and audiometry testing on site. Qualifications and Experience:-Must be able to provide evidence of carrying out a similar role and can evidence a track record of maintaining and developing a safe working environment. -Have experience of working within a FMCG environment-Good IT skills and competent in Excel-Experienced in training and be able to display strong presentation skills and can demonstrate the ability to train staff at all levels-Be able to promote a positive Health and Safety culture in the workplace-Trainer the Trainer qualification desirable not essential-Must have Nebosh General Certificate [or equivalent] as a minimum.-Past experience with ammonia refrigeration is desirable.-Past experience with legionella management is desirable. -Past experience with the safety management of pallet racking is desirable. 

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