Health Care Assistant (In Patient Units)

Applications are invited for the position of:Healthcare Assistant (In Patient Units) Permanent, Full-Time 39 hours per week  The Role: Work under the supervision of the CNM/ Nurse in Charge at all timesWork on a rotational basis and perform duties under the supervision of the CNM or staff nurseDeliver practical nursing care assistanceCollaborate with the nursing staff in helping patients with the activities of daily livingAssist in keeping all unit areas clean and tidyCleaning and making up unoccupied beds when necessaryAttending to the hygiene of equipment such as I.V. stands, infusion pumps, hoists, bed cages, patient chairs, commodes and other ward equipmentAttend to spillages by reporting same to housekeeping as quickly as possible in order to prevent accidentsAssist in the disposal of clinical waste according to hospital policyAssist mobile but disorientated patients to navigate safely around the unitDelivering specimens to the laboratory when necessaryChecking unit stock and listing those which need re-orderingMaintaining orderly storage of suppliesAny other duties as assigned by the Unit Manager  The Candidate: FETAC Qualification - Major Award, Level 5Previous experience (1 year) in a similar roleExcellent communication skills, ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team Flexibility in work practices – this role may involve working nights and weekends Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday, November 1st 2024 at 4.30 pm  Blackrock Health Galway Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer 

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