Health Care Assistant (Domiciliary)

Are you a caring, friendly, and reliable person who wants to make a difference to someone’s life?Are you already a Carer who is looking to develop advanced clinical skills?Do you drive and have access to your own vehicle?APPLY NOWAbout the Company: JC Michael group is an independent healthcare provider which delivers exceptional quality of care to highly dependent adults in the comfort and security of their own homes, throughout London and surrounding areas. Working in partnership with NHS continuing healthcare teams, our enhanced level of clinical support enables individual clients to remain at home even when the level of health care required is highly complex (including respiratory care, gastrostomy care, continence care). We deliver care 24/7, 365 days a year.Whilst delivering exceptional quality one to one care as agreed in a personalised care plan, you will also be doing something truly life changing for our clients and their families, supporting our clients at work, home and social environment including holidays.We are currently recruiting Healthcare Assistants to support our clients in Basildon and surrounding areas - the postcode areas we cover are SS13, SS14, SS15, SS16, CM11 and CM12 - Immediate StartWhat we require:1 year experience in healthcare but training is providedExperience working with complex care would be an advantageDriving licence with access to own vehicle is preferredExcellent communication skills.Caring, compassionate and can-do attitudeAbility to commit to regular shiftsOnline DBS only for the immediate startHave Right to Work in UK - no sponsorship provided What JCM offers:Regular shifts/flexibleCompetitive pay rate (£11.50ph weekdays and £12ph weekends)Paid Travel Time and MileageFree induction training24/7 on call supportVarious Employee Perks, online GPRecommend a friend incentiveSick pay, Annual Leave, SMP and Paternity PayCycle to work schemeCareer progression and support towards completion of NVQ level 3 to 5PPECarer of the month/year awardsWellbeing and counselling servicesFree uniformIf you think you have the commitment and responsibility to help others, we would love to hear from you. This is a fantastic opportunity to help change the lives of our clients.

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